Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/860

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 269. 1909. . 843 Sec. 18. That a_term of the circuit and the district courts of the "°¤¤• ¤* m<>¤‘¤¤¢¤· northwestern division of the northern judicial district of the State of Alabama shall be held at Florence, in Lauderdale County, in said State, on the first Monday in February and on the mst Monday in November of each year: Provokled, however, That suitable rooms Prcviw. and accommodations are furnished for holding of said courts free of °°“" '°°“"‘ all expenses to the Government. . Sec. 19. That all civil process issued against persons residing in Return of process. said counties of Lauderdale, Colbert, Marion Franklin, and Winston cognizable before the United States court shall be made returnable to the courts of the United States respectively to be held at Florence as provided by this Act and all prosecutions for offenses committed in any of said counties shall be tried in the appropriate United States court at Florence: Provided, That no process or rosecutions com- Mm. menced or suits instituted before the passage of tliis Act shall be in P°”°"’g °”°S‘ any way affwted by the provisions hereof, and that all prosecutions heretofore commenced for offenses heretofore committed inst the United States in any of the said counties of Lauderdale, (lgnbert, Marion, Franklin and Winston shall be prosecuted and tried as though this Act had not been passed. Sec. 20. That it shall be the duty of the clerks, marshals, and M¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ vt cmother officers of the northern judicial district to attend said terms of °°”` said court and perform the duties pprtaining to their positions, and no additional c erk or marshal sha be appointed in said district; . and that the clerks of the circuit and district co1u·ts of said northern 0mm at Florence. district shall maintain an office, in charge of themselves or a deputy, 3; Fllqrgnce, whigh kept open at all times for the transaction t usiness said ivision. . Sec. 21. That the United States district attomey for the eastern Oklahoma. district of Oklahoma shall receive a salary of four thousand dollars §,,,,,,.,,,,,,_ per annum, payable monthly, iD twelve equal installments. The United States district attorney for the western district of Oklahoma shall receive a salary of four thousand dollars per armum, pa able monthly, in twelve equal installments. The United States marshal or the eastern district of Oklahoma M¤·¤1¤¤¤¤· shall receive a salary of four thousand dollars per annum, payable monthl , in twelve equal installments. The United States marshal for the western district of Oklahoma shall receive a salary of four thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly, in twelve equal installments. Sec. 22. That section eighteen of an Act entitled "An Ac_t to Q,¤g_*p¤g*y¤b 2,, enable the people of Oklahoma and of the Indian Territory to form mesaés. ’ ` a constitution and State government and be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and to enable the ple of New Mexico and of Arizona to form a constitution and Stgte government and be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States," approved June sixteenth, nineteen hupdlped and six, be, and the same IS hereby, amended so as to read as o ows: "Sec. 18. That the supreme court or other court of last resort of ,,‘§,§‘,°§‘;‘§‘§f c3},,;"' said State shall be deeme to be the successor of Territorial appellate courts, and shall take and possess any and all jurisdiction as such " not herein otherwise specifically rovided for, and shall receive and e,g°°*°'=‘~ ’°°°"‘°· retain the custody of all books, dbckets, records, and files not transferred to other courts as herein provided, subject to the duty to furnish transcript of all book entries in any specific case transferred to complete the record thereof. That al books, dockets, records, .,§{‘,'},§.‘,°§e§,§,,{;{‘,§{'gff and files relating to the organization, management and control_ of ggmcgmggmz ra corporations which at the time of the approval of the Act of which ry ` this Act is amendatory were in the custody and possession of the