Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/899

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882 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 297. 1909. ¤¤¤¤i¤8¤¤*¤¤P¢¤¤¢¤· For contingent and incidental expenses, including purchase of rofessional and scientific books and periodicals, books of reference, blank books, photo aphs, and maps, seven hundred dollars. For purchase am? repair of bicycles and revolvers for Ipark watch- · men and for purchase of ammunition, three hundred_dollars._ A¤¤>¤¤* *°¤ D*¤· Of the foregoing amounts appropriated under Public Burldmgs and um mmuul Grounds, the sum of thirt thousand two hundred and fifty-five dollars shall be paid out of the revenue of the District of Columbia. Ds§¤::1_¤g:;ie)¤\1el1§;;1~gr _ STATE, wm, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT BUILDING. ¤1¤rk¤.¤¤si¤¤¤¤¤, Office of the superintendent: For one clerk of class one; stenog- "°°m°°’°w' rapher and ty writer, nine hundred dollars; chief engineer, one ` thousand four liiindred dollars; five assistant engineers, at one thousand dollars each; one electrical machinist, one thousand two hundred dollars; captain of the watch, one thousand two hundred dollars; two lieutenants of the watch,' at eight hundred and forty dollars each; forty-nine watchmen; carpenter, one thousand dollars; electrician, one thousand two hundre dollars; machinist, painter, and plumber, at one thousand dollars each; three dynamo tenders, at nine hundred dollars each; seven skilled laborers (mechanics), at eight hundred and forty dollars each; one messenger; foreman of laborers, eight hundred and forty dollars; ten firemen; eleven conductors of eevators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; seventeen laborers; three second-class firemen, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; four forewomen of charwomen, at three hundred dollars each; seventy- seven charwomen; one gardener, seven hrmdred and twenty dollars; in all, one hundred and twelve thousand and forty dollars. mm B““‘"“¤· MH.LS BUILDING1 For the following for service in fireproof building authorized to be rented for use of the Navy Department, namely: One engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; four firemen; two elevator conductors, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; five watchmen; four laborers; one forewoman, three hundred dollars; nine charwomen; in all, fourteen thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. ,2;*; D°P‘"'”°“* Srurn DEPARTMENT ANNEXZ For one laborer, six hundred and ` sixty dollars. F¤eL1iz1¤¢¤.¢¤¤· For fuel, lights, repairs, and miscellaneous items and city directories, thirty-two thousand dollars. B£$g;*§;*}· °*°·· Mlm For repairs, supplies, and miscellaneous articles, Mills Building, two thousand dollars. Navy Department. NAVY DEPARTMENT. Pay or secretary. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY: For com nsation of the Secretar of ‘“'““““°·°l°‘*“·°°°‘ the Navy, twelve thousand dollars; Assisfiant Secretary of the N gvy, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, three thousand dollars; rivate secretary to Secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; clerk to Secretary, two thousand two hundred and lift r dollars; clerk to Assistant Secretary, two thousand dollars; disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; four clerks of class four; stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; four clerks of class two; five clerks of class one; stenogra her one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand one hun; dred dollars; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; telegraph operator, one thousand one hundred dollars; two copvists; carpenter nine hundred dollars; four messengers; four assistant messengers: one transferred to Bureau of Supplies and Accounts; two laborers; three messenger boys, at six hundred dollars each; one messenger boy, four hundred and twenty dollars; one messenger boy, four