Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/934

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 298. 1909. 917 Bonn or Cmr.nm¤N’s GuA1u>1ANs: For additional amount re uired Gf<;_=g,gd;* <’*·¤¤¤¤'¤ for board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of cine tsiimimen. B81d board by the courts of the District, and for the tem orary care of children pending investigation or while being transferred from place to dplace, with authority to pay in addition to the sum of one thousan five hundred dollars heretofore authorized a further sum . not to exceed two thousand dollars to institutions adjudged to be under sectarian control, fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, six thousand dollars. The sum of two thousand and ninety-four dollars and nineteen cents of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for board and care of children committed to the guardianship of said board by the courts of the District and for tempora care of children pending investigation or while being transferred hom place to place, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, is hereby made available for payment to institutions adjudged to be under sectarian control, in ad 'tion to the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars authorized and paid to said institutions during said fiscal year. Pomcm comrr: For additional amount required for compensation _§’g}*,f,j °°“"~ of jurors, Bscal year nineteen hundred and seven, thirty-six dollars. ` . ummm comrr: For services rendered by acting judge of juve— ~l‘;{'f,{‘g*;,'j,*},)‘e“· nile court during the absence of the judge of said court, asauthorined vo1.s4,p.wa` by section three of the Act of March nineteenth, nineteen hundred and six, creating said court, for the fiscal years: d Eiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, one hundred and eighty o ars. d giscal year nineteen hundred and eight, three hundred and five o ars. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, one hundred and forty dollars. That the unexpended balance of eighty-two dollars and sixteen F‘“'“““’°¤°*°- cents of the appropriation provided for the fiscal year nineteen hun- ’ dred and eight, for furniture, fixtures, and e uipments, and repairs to the court-house and grounds of the juveniile court of the District of Columbia, is hereby transferred to and made available for similar pugposes for the fisca year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred an nine. MUN1c11>A1. couivrz The unexpended balance of the appropriation $;‘,E,§",{l*3‘{,‘;{{é°·_ for salaries, `ustices of the peace, fiscal year nineteen hundred and .m¢.v-62¤- nine, is hereby reappropriated and··made available for the patyment of the judges of the municipal court of the District of Colum ia for the period from February seventeenth, nineteen hundred and nine, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine. Wizrrs or LUNACY: For additional amount required to meet the I·“¤¤°>""***¤- ob°ects set forth in the appropriations for writs of lunacy, District of Columbia, for the fiscal years that follow: Fiscal year nineteen hundred and eight, one hundred and fifty dollars. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, two dollars and fifty cents. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, ten dollars. Home ron rm: AGED Aim Ixrnm: For additional amount required ,,,$°‘°' “°" ““‘* to meet the objects set forth in the appropriation for repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, fiscal year nineteen hundred and eight, eight dollars and fourteen cents. Puucnasn or Lama, oovrznxmzxr mzsnnvarroxsz For additional ,_°,,}',§,‘,t’f“‘*’°“‘°· "“‘ amount required to meet the costs and expenses of condemnation V¤1.34.p.775. proceedings taken pursuant to section two of the Act of June tlurtieth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "Ar1 Act to increase the cost of certain public buildings, to authorize the purchase of sites for public