Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/944

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 298. 1909. 927 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 0u¤gg\gr·;¤¤¤¤¢¤fA¤i- To sup ly a deficiency in the appropriation "General ex enses, ·“*“¤¤l !¤d¤¤¤Y Bureau ofp Animal Industry," includiiig eiich and every object sihthor- Biigiigiai expeum. ized by law and specified under the appropriation of nine hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred doilars under this title in the "Act making approlpriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal y/par ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine," approved ay twenty-third, nineteen hundred and eight, or so much thereof as may be necessary, one hundred and ufty thousand dollars, For fencing the national bison range, as provided for b the Act of §;¤;g,f;¤H¤·M°¤*- May twenty-third, nineteen hundred and eight, Thirty-fif}th Statutes, A»u,p.as1. page two hundred and sixty-seven, three thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, Depai-:me¤m:c0m· _ meree and Labor. Tum Cmcsus Orman: For reliminar e enses in pre aration for "°“*‘“°,°“'*°°· the Thirteenth Census, inclulding expeiimieiital work inpdeveloping isiiiiiiziisiiiry wm' tabulating machinery, construction 0 such machinery, and technica and mechanical services in connection therewith books of reference, and rinting, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be available untilpthe close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten. To su ply deficiencies in the appropriations for "C0ntingent ex- ¤<>¤¤¤s¤¤texpsm¤¤, penses, Igepartment of Commerce and Labor," including all o jects of e nditure specihed under this head in the legislative, executive, and jiidhzial appropriation Acts for the fiscal years as follows: For the decal ear nineteen hundred and nine, ten thousand dollars. Eor the fiscal, year nineteen hundred and eight, three thousand dollars. The accountin officers of the Treasury De artment are hereb H·R-*"¤"m- authorized and (EPBOh0d to credit in the accouiits of H. R. Burrill; (Mmmu` special disbursing agent, Department of Commerce and Labor, the sum of forty dollars, disallowed by the Auditor for the State and other Departments from his account of disbursements for the quarter ended September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, on account of hire of an interpreter at Hongkong, China. INIMIGRATION Srmvionz To supply an anticipated deficiency in the ,c,{}“m*¤’°“°° S°"‘ permanent annual appropriation or expenses of regulating immigra- Hxw-nw. tion and in order to meet all of the authorized clnwgcs against said appropriation for the fiscal yeanninetecn hundred and nine there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of six hundred thousand dollars. _ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICPI. ,,§f"""’“°“° "* J`"' For payment to the law clerk and examiner of titles in full for all §§‘Q,‘§l,l{,$$,i‘§§§’°l°”" services to the commission created under section twenty-six of the A"'*·P·°‘·¤· Act approved May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight (public buildings Act), to investigate the title of the United States in and to all lands in the District of Columbia, out of the appropriation of five thousand dollars for the expenses of said commission, notwithstanding section seventeen hundred and sixty-five, Revised Statutes of the United States, the sum of one thousand dollars. To carry on the work required by section twenty-six of the public Difhlgi “' **‘“" l" buildings Act approved May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, Hxi><·f¤¤· of comten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. to mE;Z:’g,_;;3_ be expended under the direction of the Attornev—General. Contingent expenses: For the payment of the bill of the llfestem C°¤¤¤¤*¤*°"P€°*”- Union Te egraph Company for the month of June, nineteen hundred and eight. one hundred and twenty-four dollars and forty-one cents.