Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1016

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PROCLAMATIONS, wm. 2151 fifth principal meridian except sections sixteen and thirty-six in each of said townships. and such parts of said lands as are held under allotments to Indians, V shall be disposed of under the general provisions of the homestead laws of the United States, and shall be opened to settlement and entry at not less than their appraised value by proclamation of the President, which proclamation shall prescribe the manner in which these lands shall be settled upon, occupied and entered by persons entitled to make entry thereot, and no person shall he permitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of sald lands, except as prescribed in such proclamation until after the expiration of sixty days from the time when the same are opened to settlement and entry. And whereas all of the lands subject to settlement, entry and sale under said act have been duly appraised as appears from a schedule thereof hereto attached. Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United ed§f,“,jlfg‘u'}g,{{P°°‘ States, by virtue of the ower and authority in me vested by said ` Act of Congress, do hereby prescribe and proclaim that all of said lands subject to sale and disposal under said act will be opened to settlement, entry and disposition under the general provisions of the VM- 34- v- 124- homestead laws, and of the said Act of April 21, 1906, in the manner hereinafter prescribed and not otherwise. Any qualified person desiring to make entry of any of these lands ,,,;2f;",g"'*“ °‘ *1* shall execute in person within the limits of the Pierre, South Dakota, ` land district an aflidavit showing his qualifications to enter and means of identifying him (forms of such affidavits to be furnish by the officers of the land department). The affidavit must be presented in a sealed envelope, in person or b ordinary and not registered mail, at the district land office locatedy at Pierre, South Dakota during office hours between 9 o’clock A. M. on October 7, 1907, and 4:30 o’clock P. M. on October 12, 1907. Thereafter at 9 A. M. on October 14, 1907, there shall be taken or drawn impartially from the Dr¤w1¤z¤- envelopes so filed, such number as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the Proclamation, and the order of drawing such envelopes shall determine the order in which ap licants shall be permitted to make entry of these lands between October 20th, 1907, and December 20th, 1907. Those successful as a result of the drawing must present formal Requirements application to enter within the time fixed an assigned for making such application; show resent qualifications; make the required pay- ments under the act of April 21, 1906, and otherwise comp y with the law. Any person filing more than one affidavit. or in other than his true Ferfeiwrvname, shall be denied any privilege he might otherwise have secured _ under this drawing. except that any houorably discharged soldier or m.§l°'g:’{§,“:g,““:{j sailor entitled to the benefits of section 2304 of the Revised Statutes fvvéeds 2 04 of the United States, as amended by the act of March 1. 1901 (31 p, n2_" °°°‘ 3 ' Stat., 847 ), may be represented by an agent of his own selection for VM- 31- r- 847- the purpose of executing the aflidavit herein required, due authority therefor being shown. but no person will be permitted to act as agent for more than one such soldier or sailor. Envelopes showing on the outside distinctive marks of any char- R°°*"°“°“· acter shall be eliminated from the drawing. The plan herein provided for governing the manner of opening Disposal or rethese lands shall have operation and control the order in which all °`°m°“ ""dS‘ entries of the lands are allowed until December 20. 1907. upon which date any portion of the lands then remaining undisposed of will be subject to settlement. occupation. and entry under the provisions of the homestead law and the act of April 21., 1906. in like manner as if Vol. 34, p. 124. no special preliminary plan had been provided for. · All persons are especially admomshcd from attempting to settle 0¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¥» etcupon, occupy, or improve any of these lands prior to December 20,