Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1064

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rRo0LAMAT10Ns, mos. 2177 with which this reservation is inconsistent continues in force; not . C°¤“““‘*’· excepting from the force and effect of this proclamation, however any part of the National Forest hereby enlarged which may have been withdrawn to protect the coal therein, but this proclamation does not vacate any such coal land withdrawal; and provided that these exceptions shall not apply to any land embraced in any selection, entry, . or filing, which may have been permitted to remain of record subject to the creation of a permanent reservation; and provided also that u I·¤¤d¤ for ¤=r1:¤- since the withdrawal made by this proclamation and any withdrawal °°` heretofore made for national irrigation works are consistent, both shall be effective upon the land withdrawn, but the withdrawal for national irrigation works shall be the dominant one and may, when necelszary, be changed to a withdrawal for irrigation from such wor . Waming is hereby given to all persons not to make settlement upon Reserved r i- 0 m any of the lands reserved by this proclamation, unless and until they “°"'°"'°"t’ °t°‘ are listed by the Secretary of Agriculture and opened to homestead settlement or entry by the Secretary of the Interior under the Act of Congress, approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, ' entitled, "An Act To provide for the entry of Agricultural lands von. 34. p. 233. within forest reserves :’ Provided, that lands heretofore restored to mas excepted. settlement or entry under the provisions of the foregoing act shall be excepted from the force and effect of this proclamation. . IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. Done at the Cit of Washington this 13th day of January, the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eight, [snap.] landdgliifd the Inldependencedpf the United States the one un and t irty-seoon Tmwnoma Roosmvnm By the President: Emnc Roor Sccretaijy of Sfate. By rua Pn.¤:snmx·r or rm: Umrzo STATES or Ammuc.4 January ro;n_1e0a_; A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the natural formations, known as the Pinnacles lrgisuageg pager,. Rocks, with a series of (EBVOS underlying them, which are situated *‘ P,§§§,,,,§· upon public lands, within the ?lllllHCl€S National Forest, in the Vol- 3% P- 3121- State of California, are of scientific interest, and it appears that_the public interests would be Mpromoted by reserving these formations and caves as a National onurnent, with as much land as may be - necessary for the proper protection thereof; _ _ Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the .UH1t€d mgacxggarorlrsgnu- States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by section two V ‘ 34 of the Act of Congress, approved June eighth, nineteen hundred ang wi. . v. 2.5. six, entitled, "An Act For the preservation of American antiquities, do proclaim that there are hereby reserved from appropriation and use of all kinds under all of the public land laws, subject to all prior valid adverse claims, and set apart as a National Monument, all the tracts of land, in the State o California, shown as the Pmnacles National Monument on the diagram forming a_ part hereof. The reservation made by this proclamation is not intended to pre- amrezgst uses no: vent the use of the lands for forest purposes under the proclamation °° ` wtablishing the Pimmcles National Forest, but the two reservations 80893-vm. 35, Pr 2—(Xl--71