Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1173

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_ PROCLAMATIONS, 1909. 223] BY rm-: Pmusmnrvr or rim Umrmn STATES or Armnroa ram.-yz3,rm. A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, an Executive Order dated Jul second, nineteen Chuzwh N¤¤¢>¤¤¤ hlpndxked ap(dFeight, coéislplildaéphl the Chugach llational Forest and Fqraihifafn t e o a orest an is ture Reserve under the name of the "”"·*’¥’·”‘°·”“- ChugacRnNational Forest; v°1' z]' °'1°°2` And whereas, it appears that the public good would be promoted by adding to the Chugach National Forest certain lands within the Territory of Alaska, which are in art covered with timber; · Now, therefore, I, Theodore Rbosevelt, President of the United Boundaries sum-ged. States of America, by virtue of the wer in me vested by the Act of Congress, approved une fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, V¤1.¤0,p.w entitled, “Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the Hscal ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eiqit, and for other purposes," do proclaim that the Chugach National orest is hereby enlarged and that its boundaries are as shown on the diagram forming a part hereof, and further described as follows: The island of Afognak and the adjacent islands I>¤¤¤¤r¤¤¤¤~ which were set apart by proclamation dated December twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as the "Afognak Forest and Fish · · - Culture Reserve," and also all of the public land lying within a line beginning at a point on the left bank of Copper River, due east of the enorthern extremity of Cottonwood Island· thence easterly along the divide between the watershed of Bremner River and Chitina River to a point due north of the southern extremity of Cape Suckling; thence due south to the southern extremity of Cape Suckling; thence in a northwesterly direction to the southern extremity of the left bank of Copper River thence in a southwesterly direction to the southern extremity of Cape Cleare; thence in a northwesterly direction to the southern extremity of Cape Puget; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the divide of the foothills to its intersection with the main divide of the Kenai Mountains; thence in a general westerly direction along said main divide, between the waters of Resurrection Bay and Kenai Lake, and continuing southwesterly along said main divide to the head of Sheep Creek; thence southerly down the left bank of said creek to Kachemak Bay; thence in a general southerly, westerly and northerly direction along the shores of said bay, Cook Inlet and Knik Arm, at the mean low tide line, to the right ank of Knik River; thence easterly up the right bank of Knik lgiver to the main divide of the Chugac Mountains; thence in a general easterly direction along the main divide of the Chugach Mountains to a point on the left bank of Copper River, due east of the northern extremity of Cottonwood Islan , the place of beginning, and embracing a I islands within said described ine; Excepting from the force and effect of this (proclamation the sev- Lama umpm. eral areas contained within boundaries forme by circles described with a radius of a mile, each, from the centers of the following named towns and settlements, to wit: Eyak, Orca, Tahtetlahk, illamar, Valdez, Fort Liscum, Einiklik, Chenaga, Nutchek, and Latouche; excepting also a tract of land extending one mile back from the tide line, on oth sides of the bay known as Valdez Arm; following the tide line from its intersection with the line of 146° 30’ longitude west from Greenwich, easterly around the head of Valdez Arm: Provided, that this proclamation shall not be so construed as to {·mp¤0._ degrive any person of any valid right possessed under the Treaty for- ,,,}§,§{“ “g"'·“ “°‘ “' the cession o the Russian possessions in North America to the United "<>¤-15»1>-539- States, concluded at Wrashington on the thirtieth day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or acquired under any act of Congress relating to the Territory of Alaska.