Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1225

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INDEX. 2259 Ag£r0pr·iatiqm—-Continued. _ P•!¤· Archer, Midurel, Pwrepaying excess of mineral surveys pension increased ... . 1542 f demts . . 645 Areeibo, P. 1., f bu or opera government oc , etc., on rel1.mmary'examination 0 bor to be canals and canalized rivers ,___ . 818 p made .,_. . 83 1 for audrting Northern Liberty Arendell, Andrew J., _ arket, D. C., claims ... 1061 pension _,__,,,.,_ , ,,,,___,,__,____,__ 1396

  • formauguration expenses, preservingorder, Arentsen, Andrew J.,

etc .. . 1162 pension increased ..,. 1465 for public comfort stations, inauguration Argentine Republic, rmx C€P€m01;{G _ . . . {hi- 1162 appropriation fort ininister to 172, 672 expenses 0 inaugural ceremonies a e or secre egation ...,.,,.,. 172, 673 for Capitol . . 1164 Argo, Gmww r6•¤angmg` , etc., e onse nsion in .,.. 1240 Representatives . ... 1168 Lands, for p ostals, etc., for Alexanderadditional allowance to Idaho and Wyo- - ton memorial ... . 1170 ming under Carey Act . 347 balances on handJu1y 1, 1904, to be carried to Idaho of, under Carey Act ... 577 to surplus fun ... . _. 1027 grant to Colorado, from former Ute Reserexceptrons, permanent specific appropn- vation under Care Act- ; .. 644 _ ations .. é ,61} .. 1 g to lgew lgexico andy Arizona, under 638 ] entsan dmgs' courts- are ct .. . ... . .. trust funds ... 1027 Arid Lands, Nebraska, 5 fulfilling Indian treaties .. 1027 entrymen of additional, allowed credit for no appropriation prior to July 1, 1904, a improvements on original entries.- . 466 specnic permanent appropriation III}- Arizona, less exdprusly made avarlable imul appropriation for Indian service in ... 75, 786 expen ed .. 1027 or salaries, government in ... 212, 877 permanent, fortrumesfor soldiers,repe•.led- 367 for contingent expenses . . 213, 877 punishment for contracts for public for legislative expenses .. 213, 877 _ buildings etc., m excess of 1106 for surveyor-—gener·al, clerks, etc., . 23), 893 Aquarms National Forest, Utah, deficiency a propriation for prosecution A enhrgipg . . --é& 2166 A h0fNndIia;s1 , · 5 20ég45 queduct . . one asbington u uct, e atio crest, enlarged ...,. 44 D. G.).` q lpmortion oi Black Mesa incln ed in . ’ 2196 Aransas harbor Terminal Railway Compare , approval of law for erection of courthouse may budge Morris and Cummings Channs, and jail at Yuma ... ; . . 606 Tex ... ~ 168 erection of courthouse, Saint Johns 606 Aransas Paar and Bay, Ter., issue of bonds by Mohave County ... 605 appropriation for improvement of .. _. 358, 998 fees to jurors and witnesses attending additional contracts authorized for 1m- United States courts in; restriction. 377 provement of ... 817 Black Mesa National Forest, enlarged 2146 Aransas Bass Harbor, Ter., { included in Goconino, Sitgreav t; preliminary examination oi, to be made-.. 833 Apache, and Tonto National Forchannel to Rockport 833 eats ... 2196 through Turtle Cove to Cogmus Christi. 833 Coconino National Forest, established 2196 Arapahoe and ( ‘heyenne Indians, Ha., San Francisco Mountains included .. 2196 appropriation for support, etc., of 88,802 portion of Black Mesa, Tonto, and Grand sale of lands authorized for use oi schools of. 88 Canyon included .. 2l96 Arapahoe Indiana, Mont., Northern Cheyenne Crook National Forest, established ... 2194 ond, _ Mount Qraharn National Forest, includappropriation for fullilling treaty with 84, 797ed in .. 2104 grr ine riders ,r... 797 Tonto National Forest, part included in. 2194 Arbitration Conventions, i Dixie National Forest, Utah and, erllarged. 2221 with France .. 1925 i l'D0l11ll0(1 ... . r..t.. 2187 with Great Britain r .,. 1960 I Dragoon National Forest. established. 2135 with Italy _..,.. 2091 1 Gila County may issue bonds for completwith Japan ... 2050 , ing court- ouse and jail . 606 with Mexico .,.. 1997 i Grand Canyon National Monument, estabwith Norway .,.., . .._.,.. 1994 lished . I ... 2175 with Portupl ,.. 2085 , included in Cocomno and Knibab Nawith Spain ,. 1957 “ tional Forests , . 2196 ` with Sweden ,, . .._,.. 2047Grand Canyon National Game Preserve, with Switzerland 2088 , enlarged .. 2192 Arbitration, International Bureau, Permanent * homestead entries of 320 acres of nonirri- Cpurg Ojj i gable lands allowed in , , .,., 639 appropriation for annual contribution-.- 177, 678 Maricopa County may issue bonds for pub- Arbitration, Northeastern Fishcraes, , he roads . . 606 appropriationforexpensesbefore Permanent i Mount Graham National Forest included Courtof Arbitrationat The Hague- . . 380 in Crook National Forest . . 2194 Arbitration of Railway Employees' Dijzrmccv, Navajo Indian Reservation, N. Mex. and, appropriation for expenses of ... 324, 965 part included m Zuni National For- Aroadiu, Mkh., g est . , . I . 2 242 preliminary examination of harbor, to be l Phoenix, to vote on issue of refunding made _,,,., - .. 827 l bonds . .. . .. 605 80893-vo:. 35, rr 2-09--86