Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1239

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INDEX. BMP, Andrew J-, *’¤$¤- Blades,_Elizabe¢h A. ( widow), Pm. P°¤¤*°¤ m€F°¤·¤0d -------------·---..--... 1209 penswu . ... 1419 Bhwk Death, Blagg, James H., &p£1'0pTia¥i0H fOr prevention of epidemic . 330. 970 using increased _________________ _ _ _ _ _ 1393 de ciency gpgropriaticn for preventing I Blggne, Whip, SPY9a 0 - -·-—--~-------------- - - . 10 immediate trans rtation rivil es ex- BMP, Gmac F-, · tended co.? . Ii .. 64 3 Pension 1¤€i’€¤8¤d --·---------. . .- IGO3 Blair, M. Lewis, Black, G€0°f9¢ T-, . usion increased ...,,.._.,___,,_ 1280 pension increased 1357 Blggr, Iwlliam, Black, G60T9e W-, { eusion increased , . ..,,._.__, 1263 rchef of . ... 1432 . Blgisdell, Edward, Black NGHOWGI Forest, S. Dill'., 2 eugign ijnc]·egged_ _____________ _ _________ 1336 proclamation modifying area of _, 2225 Blgisdell, John W, Bl¤¤7¤» _M<vj¢¢¤ H-, · femiou increased . ... 1595 lpenswn mcregsed 1291 g B aka, George, B ac/0 Mesa Natwnal Forest, Ariz., { ngion increased ________________________ 1449 proclamation enlarging. . 2146 · Blgie, George W., including in Coconiuo National Forest ension increased ... . 1606 pomon of . 2196 Blgke, Thomas S., — remaindcxu in Sitgreaves, Apache, and umm increased ________________________ 1I3g` ']‘0nto National Forests . ... 2196 · Bgie, H71I5am B., Black, fhcigard,Pension increased ... . ..., 1511 Blpegmgainxgcgsw ... . 1196 g B anchard, Edwardh 06 . GT ., , usion increase ... 1486 pension i110r€3S€d -·.---.- 1290 Blgcndnard, Em A. wadow), Black River, Ark.,ugiou inn; Bqé ____ · ____________________ 1 542 bridie authorized across, at Powhumn . 3 ‘ Blgfschard, John F. . Black im`, S- C`-, usion increased . . .. • 1318 lgcrghmmw examination of, to be made. . S32 7 Blgfmlmrd, William F., B Rock Harbor, N. K, mon increased ... . 1417 appropriation for improvement of . 998 I Bgend, Lewis R., ba anccs for improvement of, transferred to ming; imgrgugd ___,.,____,,__, , ________ 1551 breakwater system, Buffalo ... . . 816 Blgenk, Alkn T., Bhzck, Samuel, nsiou increased . . .. 1413 Bw0n increased .. . . 1586 Bmw, Jiloon, , Thomas, nsiou increased . .. . 1264 lgension increased . . .. · 1375 Bm, Daum M. §wUow), B ck Warrior River, Ala., pension inc ... - 1202 appropriation for improvement uf, by looks I Bg,w,,,y_ _,;,.;;,,,,., Bla k dams ----- - ---·--—···· · ---— 359. 998 Bldeiicieuéjylapprzgpdution for services ... 934 € . 7 Wm. essin `a vm ., approy}rin.tion for payment of fcc ns in- 9% { p€ns£;a’;¤c;·m8gd ________________________ 1315 ormer . . ..; Bye.,.,,,, umm _’ Bi¤vkbz¤*~,_Abr¤h¤m. F pmwibu increased 1409 lpanmou mcrcased . ... 1480 I BM,;":! George B “"kb'!""·¤. J°“7’h "·» . onniim iu<·rz;aa¢>d ... . . . 1411 f€DSlOD1DCIO8S9d.. . . Blynd (vhudren I)` (v " B '“`H’“"*v M""}""'""' W·· I u pmpriati0;x [iw {;nstnu-tion of indigent lpcnsi<¤nin<·rc·41se<l ... . . . . . 1609 l p mntmru __________ __ ____ _ _______ ‘_ fm no B '“‘kb*!""»_ W?/““· rmanunt ap wnpriutinn repealed 295 Ipensmn increased ... . 1347 I BX; Frrdmck L- B ackfcet Agency}, MOM-. wmasion increased . . B8! ap rupriatjon for Indian agent. at . S3 I [I , . "```°`°`'°°````````' F . . B ml Island, R. I., Blue feet [n¢Qan, Rvsrrmtmn, Mont., pmnminun. examination m be made of approgigggsgufor survey, atc, of ceded 795 ( BI S im]?. barb?. Great Sa'? Pigot _ ______ 832 , ···· ,- ·; --·················' ack- •' s, ctc., _ stems on ci s, d€6€W;;l;1:P:;°P¤&t¥0¤ {0* ’m'V°Y’» *u°f 507 gppmgyriztion for igxvestigations of ... 325, 966 Blacljfsh Bayou, Ark., Bl°°d' {4 lbggmased 1335 [preliminary examination of, to be made- - . 823 pens on ''`'`'`‘```'` B ackwell, Clayton E., Bl°°d· ’“”{“ Sq . . lpenskm increased _______ _ ________________ 1561 dedcxcncy apprepnuiwn for ..·.-.-- . - . 9i} B apkwell, Enarh F ., Wyment to ··‘·'‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ I44D gzggigu ineregged ___,,,_ , _. - .,.., 1416 Bloodutorthv John P•· B E, John, pension .,.. . ..~.1 1606 ension increased .,. . . . .. 1460 Bloom! M-, _ _ Blgdensburg Road, D. C`., credit in accounts; appmpnshnn , . 14-41 dedication oi land owned by Government Blomnipglonn I ll., _ _ _ _ {0; widguiug of _,___ , ____,__,_,,_., 620 acqumng site smji erecung public bmldmg time extended for condemnation proceed- Qt, Bild10U28d ·_- ·: ...- . ... . 529 I pigs _____ ; , , _ : ____,_,... A. , I ... 620 deiicxeucy appmpmuou for . 4a.: wulemrng, by W a.sh1n§mn, Spa bprmgs and Blmcerg, Lyman, Greig, Ranma, Company .. 779 lpensxon xncrpased 1339. 1601 Blades, Alwilda (u·£d0u·), B 0.rha{n, Qnmcl, pension ____ _ _,______,_,,... . ... 1384 penswn increased . . . . 1584