Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1243

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INDEX. 2277 BWNMW, {l{1U¤1¢Z,d P¤H¤· Brcnham, Ter, Page. Pension U-\€Y9¤¤6 ---··----.--·--------.. . 1311 80 uirinr site for public buildin at, au- Br¤¤~w» Theodore B-. q thiirizcd ii . .i.. i ... ass P€¤¤}0¤ 1¤01'€8S€d -----.. . . ... 1341 denciency appropriation for ______,_.,,,_ 489 Branmgan, Sarah P. (widow), Brenmm, John L., pension increased . . .. 1230 pension increased ,__________ _ ____________ 1592 Brannon, Eranms M., Breslau, P€¤5l0¤ 1X10N3S6d -·---·- - .--. 1543 iassification and salary of consulate .. 102 Bram, _H¢'§T!/, Br nuhan, Timothy, P8¤¤1911 1¤C!‘fH¤0d ---. 1511 pension increased ...,_____... 1232 Bratsclrt, John H., Brewer, Andrew T., P011810D l00T93E0d -----... . ... 1280 pension increased ___,,.. . 1599 Bratten, Thomas G., Brewer, James K., pension increased . ... 1236 pension increased .,_______,_, 1358 Brattleboro, Vt., Brewer, Raleigh, sr., acquiring site and erecting public building title to land in Mississippi confirmed .. 471 at, authorized . 532 Brewster, Albert W., de6cienpy_appropriatiou for . 486 pension increased ... . . I .,_____,.. 1526 appropnatmn for ... 947 Brewster, Edwin B., Bmitvn. Rpbert R., pension increased .,_. 1528 pension increased . ... 1522 Brewster, Lucas B., Braun, John N., pension increased ..,.__________._,,,, 1430 pension increased 1286 Brewster, jlilo, Bray, Thomas N., pension increased ..________,_,... 1259 pension increased .. . . 1371 Briana, Jam; A., Bmzcc, Carter J., pension increased ... ; 1450 pension increased .. . . 1366 Brnkmt, William C., Brazie, Jacob, _ pension increased 1265 pension increased ... - 1511 Briar, John, Brazil, payment to .,.,.,___. 932 appropriation for ambassador to. ... 171, 672 Bribery, or secretary of embassy .. 172, 673 punishment for, of Government olncials. .- 1096 for second secretary .. 172, 673 offering presents, etc., to custom; ofnoers- 1100 Brazil, Ind., Members of Congress for .,,,. 1108 acquiring site and erecting public building of Members of Congress, or attempting to at, authorized .. . .. 529 bribe ,. 1108 deficiency appropriation for . 485 officials accepting money, em _., . . . . 1109 appropriation for ... . ... 947 attempting, etc., of judicial omcer _. . 1112 condemned cannon granted to, for court· accepting gift, etc., by judge . -. 1112 house ynark .. . .. 1070 acceptance of, by jurors, court officers, Brazos River, ex., etc ... 1112 appropriation for improvement of, from acceptance of, by witnesses .. 1113 Old Washington to Waco, lock and Brick, A. L., late a Re·pre·s¢·nlntin·e, dam at Hidalgo Falls .. . . . 359, 998 deficiency appropriation for payment to preliminary examination of, to be made. . 833 wir ow 512 Brazos Santiago, Ter., S Brieldvlf. Lgri JI., preliminary examination of harbor, to lm 1 pvnsnon uwrcu.-¤¢·d l2l8 made . 833 l Brirlqr, Ix'ebm·n J. (u·idou·i. Brzrkenririge, Goorgv, pension ...,.. IBS? pension increaseel . ... 1366 5 Brulgryjrrmgr, Adam S., Brevkmrirlge, Theodore, Q p(‘l'l!*lUll lIl(‘l‘(‘lM*€‘d ..,. 1204 pension increased ... . ..., l-S6 ; Brivlgsport, ('onn., Breekcma, J. A., Q appropriation: f·»riinprovcnu~ni oiliarlmr. 359, 098 deficiency appropriation for exlrast-rviws. 5ll preliminary examination of harbor, in he Bredbermcr, Henry, _ made . .. r. 823 pension increased . ..i 1355 i Bndgcport, Conn., Customs Vollcclnbn [lu- Breed, Calvin E., trnd, _ _ pension increased ... . 1248 K established m place oi Fairfield ... 7 Breeden, Matthew, ports of entry_and delivery . . . . 7 pension increased .. . . 1272 cc»lle<·t<>r`s residence ... . .. 7 B;-gm, Pquick, 2 Bridges (aw: also Bridges. Omnibus Act), pension increased .,.,,__,,. . ...,. 1331 across Mississeippi iver at Rice, Minn., Breese, Charles S., _ legaliz _ I . I . . I 36 pension increased ... . .,.. 1423 . appropnation for constructing, Llixwnppt Breezcly, John W., River, Fort Snelling to Saint Paul, pension increased ... . 1580 { Minn.; share of l. mted States .. 1005 Bremen, = construction of, authorized across Bayou classification and salary oi consulate . - . 101 Bartholomew, Morrell, Ark . - . . 33 Bremcrzon, Waah. (me Puget Sound Navy- Parkdale, Ark . 54 Yard, Y\`ash,). Portland, Ark ..,____,,.,.,.,__... . 54 Bremigam, Frank, Wilmot, Ark- . ... - 54 pension , . .. Z. . .· .. 1385 Black River, Powlmmu, Ark .- . . 3 Brmdet, Albert, I (`avhe River, Ark . . 4 pension increased ... . 1478 Calumet River, lake County, Ind .. 781