Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1246

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2280 INDEX. Brown, Joshua J., P¤·S¤- Bruce, Martin L., P¤€¤- pension increased ... . ._., 1426 pension increased ... . 1326 Brown, Kirk, Bruch, Oliver, pension increased- . .` .._,, 1270 pension increased 1359 Brown! Loami, Brumbaugh, Daniel W., pension increased . . ..._,. 1507 pension increased .,.. 1561 Brown, Murtha L. (widow), Brumblay, George R., pension . - ..,,._,_ 1554 pension increased 1282 Brown, N. Frank, Brundage, Samuel, pension increased ... . . . I , , _ , , 1297 pension increased . . .. 1457 Brown! Noah, Bruner, James R., pension increased ... . ._,. 1264 pension increased . ... 1461 Brown, Orrol, Brunker, Thmnm, pension increased ... . ..,,___, 1172 pension increased ,,.. 1591 Broum, Samuel, Brumwkk, Bpaymegnt t0,lfr0m fund of Creek Nation. . . 90 B classiiicitatgn and salary of consulate .. 102 rown, amue , www , a., B pensioéx increased . _.. 1379 B apprgpréaiion for improvement of harbor. 359. 998 mum, umu; ., . russc , e gzum, pension increased ... . 1230 appropriation for representation at Inter- Broumz Sanford, 1 10 nlztional Con erence on Maritime pension mcr __.. 6 w at ...,. , ..,.,_,_,_ 1019 Brown; Shadracb F., 12 classiticlagon and salary of consulsjegenpension ,. , ,.___,_ 79 e ,,_,__,,,__________ 10] Brown! Silas A., 1349 conveniiiog gs to liquors in Africa, connsion inc ... . .,., ·c u e at; ..,_,,,,, , .,________ 1912 Brloivn, Thomas B., Brush, George W, pension . ..,.. 1386 pension increased .., , __,.,,,,,__,__,_ 150] Brown! Wesley B., Bryon, John M., jr., pension increased ._.. 1410 interest of United States to tract; of land in Brown! William E., · 1337 Florida. released to ...,_,, · ____ _ _ _ 1622 muon mc ... . . .‘ .. puymen u' . 1622 Brlfvnl William H., Brgan, Willianliogames, late a Senator, B peus1o}1i7ilr;g;·ea’s7ed ... . 1562 eiicuncy appropriation for pay to widow rmvn, 1 ., 0 . 511 pension increased 1265 Bryant, Harrison, Browne, John A., l pension increased - ... 1486 pension ...,.. 1618 “Bryamz John H., Browne, Martha J. (widow), pension increased 1346 pension increased 1175 Bryant, Mary R. (widow), Browning, Francis M., pension . . 1395 pension increased 1420 Bryant, Sidney S., Browning, Hmvison, pension increased . . ... . . . 1180 pension increased 1480 Bryant, Stephen 0., Broumlk, Alexander W., pension increased ... . 1314 pension increased .,.. _ 1248 Bremer, George H., Broumlow, Hon. Walter P., pension increased . ... 1410 reappointed on Board of Managers, Voluu- Bubonic Plague, tee: Soldiers Home 576 g appropriation for prevention of epidgmiq 330, 970 BTO‘w7L·Q07I,-D€1l*1¢Z S., 1282 i dB Cléncryéagppmpdatirin for preventing ' ensnon increase · s o .,,,,__,,__ _ _______ 10 Brlownsville and Gu? Railway Company, Buchanan? George, name of Saint .ouis, Brownsville and pension increased ,__ _ __________ _ _____ 14]] Mexico Railway Company corrected 5 Buchavum, Jane M. (daughter), to 76 nsion .. . ..,_,c_,,______ _ _ _ _ jg] Brmmunrille, Pa., I Bnniaanan, John, 3 time extended for bridging Monongahela l pension increased .,,,,__ _ ______________ __ 1428 River at ... . . 39,654 [ Bucher, Andrew, Bvoummzille, Iiex., l pension increased ,,_,,___ _ _______________ 1353 bridge authorized across Rio Grande at 168 i Buck, Edwin, Brmirnsizille, Tex., Investigation, Smale, i pension increased _______ _ ____ _ _________ _ _ 1562 deficiency appropriation for extra services l Buck, Edwin H_ to Committee on Military Affairs. .- 511 Pension incrésed ______ 1182 Brmmwvillc, Tex., Shooting Ajray, 1 Buck JOM, h S '``'``````'' court of inquiry to be appointed to investi· S : Pcémm , 1174 gate ...,.. 36 _ '‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘* recnlistment of dismissed soldiers if found _ Buch “”€“" Fw qualijgd ________ _ _________________ 837 ; P¤¤¤10¤ }¤¢f€¤¤¤d ·--. . ... 1478 Brownwood, Ta., , Buch *$Wl'¢ Fo ` _ acquiring site for public building at, au· ‘ P€¤¤i0¤ ¤1¢¤·>¤88d ----·. - . 1558 thorized ... 536 i' Bucket Shops, I), C., deficiency Zppropriation for . 489 g definitions of terms __,____ _ _______________ 374) Broyleg, Adam ., g bucketing a contract on quotations without PGDSOII Inctetseji 1374 ? actual sale of commodity, _ __ _______ 870 Bruce, Amgrica (widow), ¢ punishment for . . . . 671 pcmcm increased ... . 1392 l keeper of bucket shop ... em