Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1295

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INDEX. 2329 Donnelly, tI07m, Page. pmwlm, Wy0_’ rags. PGHBIOH 1I10Fo8E6d ---- . . 1543 acquiring site for public building at, au- DMM:. Albert, thm-ized .. . asv P€¤¤10¤ 1H0foR9d --... . 1284 deficiency appropriation for . . . 489 Dvnvhiyc, Thomas, Douglass, Allen ., p911810D 1Q6N3S6d ... . .. 1172 pension increased 1407 Donovan, Timothy, Maine Infantry, Douthitt, James, P€¤S10¤ 1¤¤l‘€¤S€d -.. . .. 1456 pension increased 1234 Donovan, Timothy, Massachusetts Infantry, · Dmzener, Blackburn B., pension increased ... . .. 1556 pension increased ...,____ 1462 Dooley, Aaron T., Dover, N. H, P6i}¤1011 1HON8B9d . . 1213 1 appro rietion for public building 949 Doolittle, flobert B., , Dover, J., Army Powder Depot (see also p0l}S10l1 IDCl’BB·S€d ... . .. 1451 5 Picatinny Arsenal), Doolittle, Jesse T., f appropriation for transportation facilities, pension increased ... . ,,,.,. 1299 I etc _______________________________ 354 Doorkeeper, House of Representatives, title changed to Picatinny Arsenal ... 993 appropriation for, assistant, messengers, Dover, N. J., Naval Magazine, GU? . , ... 190, 853 appropriation for machine tools 133 pty increascd .. . 853 or public works ...,.,., 765 deficiency appropriation for hire of horses, Dow, Uxllliam E., ctc ... 512 pension increased 1374 for additional force 936 Dowell, William J, Doran, Michael, pension increased 1458 pension increased 1602 Downey, Mllwm B., Dorbcrt, George, pension increased ... . 1352 pension increased 1327 Doumin, Mllhm J., Daremus Machim Company, pension increased 1191 deficiency appropriation for canceling ma- Doyle, Harvey A. P., chmes . 510 i pension increased ... . 1568 Dorman, Henry, l Doyle, Henry C'., pension increased . . .. 1203 pension increased 1370 Domsi/e, Danul H., Doyle, Mathew, pension increased 1197 pension increased 1481 Dorsey, Jane (widow), Doyle, Michael, pension .. 7 ... 1248 pension increased 1212 Dorrhm, Azariah, _ Dm]? Animals, Wagom, etc., Army, pension increased 1278 appropriation for ... 120, 745 Dortorns Creek, S. C'., Dragoon National Forest, Ariz., dam authorized across Savannah River at- 36 proclamation establishing 2135 Dorward, Franklin, Draheim, Paul W, _ pension increased 1273 pension .. 1446 Dossett, William I., I Drainage Investigatiom, pension increased 1368 i appropriation for expenses 266, 1056 Dothan, Ala., Drainage Lands, Minn., appropriation for public building . . . . 949 publ1c lands subject to laws relating to 169 limit of cost increased, public building 520 Drake, Martha J. (wulcw), terms of court at ... . .. 38 pension .. 1581 Datsun, Samuel S., Drake, Orodine (widow), pension increased 1229 I pension .. 1239 Doll, John, I Drake, William H., pension increased 1358 pension increased 1171 Dotler, Jeremiah, Drake, Willuzm R., pension .._,..,., . 1.524 pension nncreased .. _ .. 1 316 Doty, Martha (widow), Dralle, Caroline II. G. (u·idow), pension increased .,.. 1311 l pension increased 1216 Dolzenrot, Adam, Dramas, _ _ pensign increased ..,,,,___,. . .._,,___,,__ 1289 owner of copyrighted, given sole right to Double Creek, N. J., convert int.0 ncve .. 1075 preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 828 to perform, vend manuscript, or record. - 1075 Doughty, Alvin S., E to make, etc., record for exhibition . 1075 pension increased ... . 1194 . to exhibit, etc., by any method 1075 Doughty, John L., Dramatizatizms, etc., _ pension increased .,. . ...,,.,_ 1309 copyright provisions for, of published Doughty, Lumen B., works .. 1077 pension increased .. . . 1484 [ Draper, Pryor L., Douglas, Caroline Jll. (mother), ~ pension increased 1291 pension ,.. . .. 1384 Draper, William H. Douglas, Jennie P. (widow), r pension increased 1202 pension increased 1201Drawbacks, Internal Revenue, Douglas, Willuzm B., ; deficiency appropriation for ... 939 pension .. 1482 Dredging Plant, Douglas, William H., I authorized for Southwest Pass, Missi ippi pension increased 1549 River . .,,,_ 816