Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1318

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2352 INDEX. Gibson! T}{0ma.s· W, P¤E¤· Gillin, Patrick, Page Jn?n mczcased ... . 1339 I §>;>usi<?;1£ncrea¤ed 1420 , e , *1 on, o n, pension il1Cl’B8·B0d . . .. 1235 pension increased .,,,,,.,.,,, 1470 Gijin, Ab1glH. L., Gilloolg, Patrick, pension IDC1E9B8d: . . . 1419 pans10m increased ,, . , 1297 Gwford, Anna L. (wzdow), Gills0n, Oliver P., pension J . 1395 pension increased ...,..., 1274 Gzjard, Jaynes H., Gilman, Arthur P.,

%8H;i0 !Wl!;gw ; §€d .. . . .  ... 1471  €e11si0; incgased .._._.__,_______ 1422

or , a 0 ., z m , .,

#}en5i0 i;i5crem8d .. . . 1199 pe;io1;)i;¤Lcreased  1410

or , i iam ., Gilmore, Robert H., pension inpreascd 1299 pension increased .,._,_._ 1575 Gaft Enterjmnscs, etc., Gilscm, Janus, punishment for mailing matter relating pension increased __,,,,,_,_______________ 1567 to ... 1129 (M80n' , Robert Morgan, postal Qfficials aiqing, etc 1130 may be restored as captain, Marine Corps,. 1064

 xmportm? ctc., uckcts, ctc., of  1136 Gilstrap, Lmufs,

Gita to Naw Vessels, penmon increased 1524 acceptamérgfgx gecrctary of the Navy au- Gzrard, PeLgr, —0 euswn increase pxpcnge of carq, ctc., provided for 171 Gigard Street N WC, D. C., ,0ala Cl%.l1 }¤cllzngs National Monument, pr0ceedi1E to coridemn land for extending, . 61., toment street ... . . 656

#;:<>§hm?;i<;1 qetting aside. .. 2162  gx;}§>1}>pda gj <} 1;;;>rb.   .. 656

01m nz., ’ e crm , . . may issue; additional bonds to complete ap mpriatiou for expenses ..,.._ . 304, 720

 C0l1.\'¢-h0usc and jail  606 degcieucy appropriation for plumbing ,_,, 13

Gda National Forest, Ginzanz Eliza, proclamation including part of, in Datil pemum ____,,.,,_____.,...____,_.,_______ 1614 NSQGIODBJ Fol‘€St 2191 Given, George W,

 area of ... . .. 2190, 2224 pension increased ,..,,,., 1343

mgluding Big Burros National Forest Glandm, Stephen, 111.; .. . 2190 gension ., 1217 restcring to pu `c omain lands cx- G sgow,

 2%U{19¢;  from . . . 2190  flassific3}:i0n and salary of consulate .. 101

t, vm ., as ow, 0., pension ipcrwsed . . .. 1473 brgdge authorized across Missouri River at. 166 G’¢lb¤‘¢; Elfmny Glasgow, Willwm G., HB10H ]D€l’€3B8d 1 ansion .. . ... (hsfertl George L., ahh: Luther G. Price, Glgss, Ella M. (wwkiow), {WHS10D increased . . .. 1568 ensinn increased ... . 1548 G1 bert, Oliver H., Glgu, Jacob, Smnsicn increased . . .. 1409 nsion increased 1218 G1 bert, Phillip, Ggss, Mkhacl H., gensiou increased . . .. 1283 nsiou increased 1256 G2 breath, Martha E. (wallcw), Ggzs, Robert D., yension ... . .. 1424 ension increased 1574 Gi breath, Michael M., Glgu, Thomas E.,

§>:znsionW ... .  1296   gensioxi;   1549

rm, yatt, , ‘ iam ., £cH$g?yy appropriation for Indian thefts- 519 £:nsi§1 increased 1516 , zl mm ., n enry, pension increased ,...,,__ _ ,,. 1229 gengiou increased 1303 Gzlea, [nlug, G nn, Jar{uzs,

8lm ; I;3!828€d ... .  1459   }>€l1Sl01;;g 1€f§8S€d ... .  1514

1 7 1 nm? Jmon increased .,_, 1307 fension increased 1229 Hman, Alfred WZ, G over, Allah C. (widow), pension increased ... . 1358 i fensiou . - .. ... 1508 G1 l, Austin, I G our, Joseph H. (san.),

§)fH;10D iugreased ,..,,. . . 1520   P ..( .. 5 ... 1389

7 '7 I yn"} aw.!

&eusio11 increased . . .. 1331 I  %mio?  ... .  1423

, Joshua, 5 , A ¢ . pension increased ... . . e .. 1250 y pension increased - ... 1285 G1 lespah, James, Goddard, Andrew,

?ension increased . . .. 1493 pension ...,. .  1325

G1 ley, Stephen M., Goddard, Marcellmzs, £wou mcrpased ... . 1454 £;nsioxé . . .. 1583 ngcga., mm, rey ncey,

 ... .  1484  £;nsi1>n increased  . . . . 1304

mk ., reg, TI penmcnmcmasod . . .. 1262 pensnon nucreéed ... . 1277