Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1340

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2374 INDEX. Indian Depa¢·tment—C0ntinued. Page- I Indian Departnwnt—C0ntinued. Pageappropriation for support of schools, etc.; { approprmticn for town sites, Yuma and maximum per pupil; allotment 72 { Colorado River reservations ... 77 limit to pay of superintendents ... 73 | for Indian Service, Colorado  ; . , . 78, 788 report on nonreservation schools to be for school, Grand Junction .. 78 made ._..,...,..,, 73 Fort Lewis ... 78 custodians of Indian money may de- for incidentals . 78, 788 posit funds in banks; bond required . 73 grant of Fort Lewis school to State aunegotiations authorized for commuting thorizcd; conditions . . 788 perpetual annuities . 73 pro rata expenses if transfer is made- 788 for t1mbcr preservation, etc., on reserva- grant of Grand Junction school to State tions .. 783 - authorized; conditions 788 Meuomiuce Reservation, Wis., ex- pro rata expenses if transfer is made. 788 ce}>tcd 783 for purchase of er etual water rights for cmp oyec to be designated to sign let- Southern Uqe Endians on their reser— ters for Commissioner ... 783 vation ...,. 788 mining leases of allotted lands permit- claims of Ooufcderatcd Bands of Utes tad; exception; rules, etc. . 783 for value of ceded lands referred to transfer of allotments unsuitable to Court of Claims . 788 Indians; exceptions; rules, etc 784 for Indian Service, Idaho . 78, 789 for Supplies; purchase, ctc ... 73, 784 for superintendent, Coeur d’A1en0 Reserfol' transporting, supplies .. 73, 784 vation .. ‘ .. 78, 789 for warehouses ... . 73, 784 for support, etc., Fort; Hall Reservation transportation on land-grant roads not Indians .. ; . . . 78, 789 boud aided; compensation . 73 for iucidentals .._.,,,., 78, 790 for agency buildi s, etc .. 74, 784 for constructing irrigating system, Fort for Vaccination oglgudians . 74, 784 Hal] Reservation .. 78, 790 for costs, ctc., Indian suits; no attorncy’s for damages from construction ... 790 fees ... Q ... 784 additional land, Coeur d’Alenc Reserrecords 1:0 be kept, etc., by Indian vation, for railroad station . . - 78 agents; penalties . . 784 sale of lands, Coeur (IYAIODG Reservaintcrchaugwsblc usc of incidental ax- tion, to Idaho for public park; propauses, ctc . 784 ceeds .. . .. 78 for reimbursing Indians of Fort. Lapwai for surveys, etc., Coeur d’Alenc Reserva- School . . ... 784 tion .. . 790 general officers, employees, etc ... 74, 785 for fulfilling treaties, Bannocks . 79, 790 appropriation for citizen commission . 74, 785 Coeur d’Ale¤es .. 79, 790 for inspectors; irrigation engineers; ex- Fort Hall Indians .. . .. 79 pauses ... . ... 74, 785 land to Episcopal Board of Missions. 79 for superintendent of schools; expenses. 74, 785 Lemhi Agency Indians. 79, 790 for interpreters 74, 785 surveying reservation ... 79 for Indian police .. 75, 785 for Indian Service Iowa. ... 79, 790 for matrons, etc ..,,.. . ... 75, 785 for school, Sac and Fox Reservation . . . 79, 790 ‘ for additional farmers and stockmeu . . . 75, 786 purchase of lands, ctc., for Sac and Fox additional clerks at agencies, etc .. 786 Indians ... . 80 for judges, Indian courts ... 75, 786 for payment to Rebok and Cramer .. 80 for conti encies; special agents ... 75, 786 for ndian Service, Kansas .. . .. 80, 790 b0nds]§ disbursing officers to be paid for school, Lawrence, Haskell Institute. 80, 790 by United States . .. 75 Kickapoo Reservation . _. . 80,791 Joseph W. Howell and Joseph R. forfulfilhug treatieswith Pottawatomxcs 80, 791 Webster. ,,__ , ____,.,,,,__,_...,,. 786 repairing, etc., old cemetery; roads.. . 81 for Indian Service, Arizona ..,.,.. 75, 786 sa c of lands, ctc., of Wah-qua-bas-kuk for agent San Carlos Agency 75, 786 baud -...---.. . ...·-·- _ .-·-· ; --·-·-- 791 for support, ctc., Apaches, N. Mex. and Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri .. 81, 792 Ariz _______________ _ _________,___ 75, 786 payment to John K. Heyl 792 Pgma Agency Indians ________________ 76, 786 for per capita to Iowas in Kansas 2Q11d for schools, Fort Mojave . .. 76, 787 Ok]¤h0m¤- ; ·-·----· ; -------------- 81 Phggnix _______________________,___ 76, 787 for Indum SBIVICC; Michigan ... 81, 792 Tmxmn (jzmyou ______ _ __________ _ _ _ _ 76, 787 for school, Mount Pleasant . 81, 792 {Oy mcidgnmlg _____________________,_,, 76, 787 roll of Ottawas and Chjppewas to be _ for purchase of land. and water rights for HIBQ0 ··---- _ . 2 .---.--··---- 81 Navgjgg _________________________ _ _ , 787 for Indian Service, Minnesota . 82, 792 im- Indian Service, california ... 76, 787 fownt, Leech Lake Agency ... . . . 82, 792 for support, etc., Mission Indians .. . 76, 787 .730 Earth Ag€DCy . 82, 792 Northam Indians __,__,,,_,____,,,.. 76, 787 grant of Morris School to State; condifor purchase of land for Indians, building, iii0}1S .-------... . . . r ... 792 fencing, atc_; restriction ,,,,. - .. 76 I for dramage survey, Chippewa lands 82 for school, Riverside, Sherman Insti- for D. C. Lightboum and George D. Hamtutg ________________ _ ,_._,___,.. 77, 787 { ilton ...,... 82 for incidentals . 77, 787 for annual celebration, White Earth baud for removing obstructions Round Valley of Chigilpewas ... . .. 82, 794 Reservation 77 for school, orris .. 82, 794 for road, Hoop;} Valley Reservation 77 pw rata if ttulxsferred ... 794 for Yuma Rmervution Indians .. . 77 Pipcswue ..·...·.-.. . . .. 82, 794