Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1386

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2420 INDEX. Missouri River—Continued. P¤8¤· I Moe, James G., Pagetime extended for bridging, at Council 1 pension increased . ... 1572 Bluffs, Iowa. ... 660 l Moeller, John N., South Omaha, Nebr ... , 167 pension ...,...,,____, 1217 between Wyandotte and Clay counties, Mofett, Emma (widow), M0 .., 169 pension .. 1592 Yankton, S. Dak . 35, 167, 658, 1059 l Mojett, Nicholas D., preliminary examination of, to be made at pension increased ... . 1500 ’ Atchison, Kane . 825 Mogg, John, alias John Moor, from Sioux City, Iowa, to Fort Benton, ension increased . _ ... ,1392 Mont . 830 Mghave County, N. Mex., Contrary, M0 . ... 830 issue of bonds for court-house and jail, "M’•ssouri," U. S. S., approved _. 605 zgtpggopriation for repairs . 769 Moieties, Customs Service, M ll, Byron C., a propriation for compensation in lieu of. 328, 968 pension increased ... . ..., 1398 Moiel Indians, Oreg., Mitchell, Chauncey F., appropriation for fulfilling treaty with 92, 807 pension increased ... . 1422 n M0 ine, Ill., Mitchell, David, I appropriation for public building .. 954 pension increased . ... 1219 limit of cost increased, public building ..., 521 Mitchell, John, I Moncton, pension increased 1263 classification and salary of consulate ., 102 Mitchell, Levi, l Monett, John, pension increased ... . 1589 I pension increased 1543 Mitchell, Martin P., * M0neyOrdersDivis*ion,P0st·OfficeDepartment, pension increased . . .. 1268 Q appropriation for superintendent, clerks, · Mitchell, Nancy (wwow), etc . 234, 897 pension increased ... . 1421 for supplies ...,..,___ 416, 669 Mitchell, S. Dak., Money Orders, Postal, atplperopriation for public building . 954 destruction of statements, etc., after three Mi ll, Vanburen, years ,,.,_,._, 415 pension increased .. . . 1562 payment of lapsed, unpaid .,.. 416 Mitchell, William, record of unpaid, to be ke t .,. 416 pension increased . . - - 1362 punishment for issuing, before receiving Mitchell, William H., payment by sender ..._..,. 1129 pension increased 1502 l counterfeiting, fo 'ng, etc ._,.. 1131 Mmm, Matilda (widow),Mcmeyperney, Thamaslgi., pension increased ... . 1420 pension increased ...,,,,__, , 1172 Mize, William H., Monilor National Forest, Nev., pension increased 1180 proclamation establishing .,,,___ 2123 Mock, John W, Monitors, Nam], pension increased ... . 1239 restriction on naming. for the States re- Moapa National Forest, Nev., Jpculed .,, 159 Mproclamation enlarging 2216 Monk, ohn H., obile, Ala., pension increased ... 1185 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 360, 999 Mono National Forest, Cal., or repair, ctc., defenses of . 393 [ proclamation enlarging .. . . . . 2235 acquiring site for public building at, au- 1 Monzmgahela City, Pa., thonzed ... 532 1 bridge authorized across Monongsheln deficiency appropriation for . ;. . . 487 · River at .. 56 bridge authorized across Mobile River at. . 49 Monongahela River, _ _ dredging of harbor from amount for dredge, · appropriation for lightingé .-...--··---·· 334, 972 authorized ..,. . .,.. 430 ilor improvement of, k and Dam preliminary examination of harbor, to be . N0. 5 ..·-.- . —··---···----··- 360, 999 made _____ _ _______ g _______________ 823bridge authorized across, at Monongahela Jlobile Artillery, Army, City, P3 . : . ._ ~·v.·- I · - · 56 o prgprintign for altering, em ____,,______ 729 ; time extended for bndging,at Brownsville. _ Moline mm, s _ Pa..; . 39, 604 bridge authorized across, at Mobile, Ala,. . 49 = P1itSb111`g, P3 -------- - ----··--···-·--- 45, 638 Mobley, John, _ Webster, Pa ... 1 pension increased ____,_, _ ,,.,.,,. 1507 ; Monotype Keyboard Operators, "Moeco.q»m," U, S, S,, pay allowed printer, at Government Printappropriation for repairs .,,__. . ...,.. 149 ) ing Omité .. li)24 Models, Patent Ofce, Monroe, Afexarzder, commission designated to determine on pension increased .. . . 1589 transfer to National Museum, sale, Monroe, Martin V, eteq of ___________,___,,_.._,,, 229 pension increased ... . 1255 to be retained by Interior Depmtment un-Monroe, Mich., _ til further provided for _,,.. _ .,.. 924 acquiring site and erecting public- building Modoc Indians, Okla,, ut, authorized . . ... 530 restored to rolls of Klamath Agency, Oreg. 752 deficiency appropriation for .. . . . 485 allotments, etc., to be accorded 752 appropriation for .. 954 disposal of allotments, Quapew Agency, Monroe, - . C'., · Okie __,______ _ _______ _ __,,,..,,,,_ 752 acquiring site for public building at, au· Jllodoc National Forest, Cal., thorized ... _ ..: . 535 proclamation enlarging 2180, 2232 s deficiency appropriation for . 488