Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1397

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INDEX. 2431 Navy C0ptiuued. Page. Navy Com.inued. P¤z¤- approprmtion for Bureau.of Steam Engi— deficiency appropriation for nsions .. 507 ngcring . 150, 770 for repairs, etc., nag—ym§ ... 517 <!]0¤0§1]. GEC., SBN1COS . 770 for extra ay to 0 cers and men who m2-Qh1¤€{'Y p}84I1fS. . 15], 770 servefin the Pacific ,,_..,,________, 944 . engmeinng eapqrgent stagnu . 151, 770 pair of officers 011 active list increased . 127 wa.nnn mac ¤ms chzmi to ma- ougevity; maximum .. . 128 cnggstfg prgguqttgn, mn ·, pay, etc., maxnnum of captains, cgmmanders, and , p c {e mac {ms .. : .. wutcuaut-comman ers 128 ehgxbnhty of chief boatswmus, etc., for 1ucrease for duty at sea, and beyond con- Jromctnon as ensngus . . . 771 cinema] limm ,..___,___,,,_,______, 128 for avag Acafcmy .,. , . . 152, 771 midshipmen ...,.. 128 pay o ro essors an instructors in- warrant officers aymasters’ clerks . 128 0fo3E9s .. . 152 active and rctirgf enlisted men increased for Malrnm Corps .,.,.. 154, 773 10 per cent .,... 128 3d}i:éO¤3] OfHC0l'S and men author- c]§iefs of Department bureaus ________ _ _ _ ]28 IZ ---··...-. . 155 c aplains; aids to rear- d irals .__,,... 128 number of enlisted men limited 155 voluntarily retiring age? thirty years’ ilhng of vacanmes ____,, _ ,_______,, , 155 service ,,,_,.,,,.__,__.,,,_.___,... 128 serwge on batj:10 ships and armored chiefs of bureaus 011 retirement .. 128 0Y\11¤61’S \’9q1}1!'¢d ---... 774 I 0$0crs and enlisted men now on retired for amount; for increased pay; immedi- 7 list .,.,,.,.._.. 128

  ataly a.vaél:§>le.iE       N rates to remain until changed by Cun-

Of IDCICZSQ 0 SVR S men - - , greg ______________ _ ________________ 128 for c0ust.{uctio11 and machinery, uew f no reduction in existing mms ___________ 128 vesse s .. 1 , 778 inistraticn of ustico 1 .. Z 621 . im nrmpr and armament . c0urts go try enlisted msn im- mmm- qtvr equrpment . - . cum .--.- 621 limit on expenditures of Department. . 159 officers authorized to order . 621 naming of monitors modified . 159 . deck courts created, of one officer; limitause of “Increase of the mg " for cler- I tion .. I .,...,.. 621 ical, ${:::5 ggrvices in e Depart- recordcrto be detailed ., 621 méllt Or i €¤ ..-. review etc. of sentence b commsufd- Iimit on expenditures of Department; iué officiar ,. ... 621

 paygmnt or tochmcal scrvxces. . QB   procedure}, recoxgs, ctc . 621

or penswus ..·. . review 0 reco b J udge-Ad ocstedeficieucy appropriation for Bureau of General .. . - .. . 621 ”*"¤**·“;,;-m.¤·$ié·gig·né·m 34 *g*“ 0*25*;*;.1%*:1*m2“wm* , , , , , cou - 12 to e or are . 621 ger gaval Acniigzrny .. .. $6 sentences; gas of irons as punishment or urcau 0 quipment .. abolish ,,... 621 29, 502, 504, 517, 519, 923, 941, 944 courts-martial roccedings, etc., may be for Bureau of Yards and Docks . 17, set asidciy Secretary of Navy . 621 · 502, 517, 923, 941 authority to convene - - . 621 ‘°' B“'°““ °‘ “°‘"°"‘° “`*2$f‘§%5f¥,14,‘©22, 3.3 . ““" .,iL?}".Q2‘2.‘f€ .¥‘}?}}iTY. .‘f‘?K .i???‘f’. HT"? 621 for Marine Corps 17 ¥ punishment for failure to appear, atc 622 29, 31, 501, 504, 516, 519, 922, 923, 940, 944 exception; fees am} mileage ... 622 for pay ... 28, iucriminating tesumony not, obliga- - 31, 501, .503, 516, .519, 922, 940, 944 I tory ...,.,,..,...,_,.. 622 for pay, miscellaneous .. , ... 28, j allowance to prisoners; gratuity and 31, 501, 516, 519, 922, 940 I clothing on discharge .. 622 B fOrd . 29 ? B · · _

°  "”“ ° "??Y€¤2, ws, su, 923, 941, 944 5 ““‘”‘“0.d’ §°é2’2°fTT‘T‘TTYT‘T'J-¥’Tf’?f‘T’f’}T‘f*’?1 T??. 622

for Bureau of S¤pp\¤¤¤ ¤¤d A¤¤<>¤;¤¢-¤- - - 29, g arrest of ummm by cam omcm ... 622 32,093, 504, 510 922, 941» 944 ‘ depositions accepted as evidence; cases for Bureau of (`nnstructmn and Repanr. . 29, , excepted _____________ ____________ 622 B2- 503, 517, 519. 922, 94% 944 ¥ conditrons of acceptance i 622 for Bureau of Steam Engineering 29, § B ````` 503, 504, 022, 941, 944 n “P§;g;¤;°<f;§¤*¢¤¢f Of ¤¤mm¤ry mum.. gig for Qndcmujty for {ost clothing .. . . . 29, 941 Il f t f; é 'ig i f"' ‘"‘1°‘"“"Y f°' °“ *"°P":§§;gi;;5ié;é41 922; $ dent to me at Cnelsea, 251 for desmmmiun nf clothing, etc . . 29, E ¤PP0¤3Q? °¤t °f J°h¤ CfoW1B}' OD 1'¤¢¤'€d $2,517,519, 941 { v_ _! --·—---—··---·--» ··---·-· ---··-- for bounty, destroying cncmy’s vessels. 29,941 ; Wiuiém Pmkw Sedgwick, €¤¤1g¤, 1'<>· for enlistment bnurmes to seamen ,, 29, Pred --·--·---···--· - - - - ·--- . .--..- 585

   32, 517, 519, 9;;, gg; Wnllmn;   Shacklette, hospital steward,  

for George T. cttengi , YF if ····- ;-; ·-··--·- ; ---·------- for armor and armament ... 59 Q Archnbaid G- Smriing as enmgn . 570 for increased pay tiscal year 1908 501 ‘ Assistant Engineen Jubez Burchard tf3.DB~ for reimbursing "genera.l account of ad- I ferred on retired list .,...,,______,_ 1399 vances ". . . .. 501, 922 commissions as ensigus to certain graduates for pay, contingent .. 501, 519 ; of Naval Academy ._ 503