Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1413

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INDEX. 2447 Pay, Navy-Continued. Prize- Peck, George W, Pm teu per cent for sea duty not computed pension increased . . ..,,. 1459 with retired officers’ ... 501 Peck, William S., c0mm0d0re’s, retired .. 501 pension increased 1572 Paymaster-Qemral, Navy (see Bureau of Sup- Peck, William W, plies and Accounts). pension increased 1448 Paymastcr-Gem¢ral’s Ofce, War Departmmt, Pecor, Elmira (widow), appropriation for clerks, etc . 2].5, 879 pension increased ... _ ...,.,,. 1494 , Paymasterf Clerks and Messengers, Army, Pecos National Forest, N. Mex., appropriation for pay .. 113, 738 proclamation enlarging area oi - . . 2218 or traveling expenses . 113, 738 Pcdrick, John D., Payne, Frances A. éwidow), pension increased 1502 pension mc . . .. 1253 Peekskill, N. K, Payne, George, purchase of building for Govemment uses; eticiency appropriation for services .. 933 price ., 539 Payne, George ., alterations, etc., to be made; cost .. 539 pension increased ... • . 1 589 deficiency appropriation for . . . 490 Payne, Hmmm N., Peet, Charles ., pension increased . . . . 1587 pension increased 1338 Payne, Jane (widow), Peirce, Joseph W, P pensio];1 increa-ged .,.. 1204 P PGD5i?-bI1CIB2g€d ..._ 1212 ayne, arame ., carve, 1 wm ., P pensigrn incéezsed- - .. 1416 P pgnsioghincreased 1495 ayne, ewar ., e ng, ma, P pensiop ipgreased ... . 1334 P exchaggeupi poration of legation property in- 179 a , . ., e¢1Icr,·na·ny., gegciency appropriation for services .. 934 pension increased _ . . .. 1293 _ Poynter, Sarah (widow), Pelton, Jason A., pension increased . . . . 1397 pension ... . .. 1394 Payton, William W., Penalty Envelopes, Franked, pension increased 1191 to be sent pensioners for return of vouchers. 1058 Peabody, Josephine E. (mama), Penalty Franks Postal Serving, pension lirncreased . . .. 1192 P p nt on private mail matter 1134 Peabody, illiam S., ence, n ew ., pension increased 1228 pension . . .. 12%} Peace, Fmmdation for Promotion 07 Industrial, Pence, Phoebe A. (widow), number of committee in . . 637 pension . . .. 1513 arrangements for meetings, etc 638 Pend d’Oreillc River, Peace Oficers, Alaska, Special, bridge authorized across, at Newport, schoo service em loyees may be appointed 837 Wash . 7 mms authorized) by; trials . . ... 837 preliminary examination of, to be made . . 834 no fees, etc., allowed; actual expenses ex- Pendcrgran, John N., ce ted ,,,,, . .. 837 pension increased . . .. 1508 Pcakes, Willard B., Pendleton, Oreg., pension increased .,.. 1299 acquiring site and erecting public build- Pearce, [sage A,, ing at, 80th0H20d . 531 pension increased ,. . . 1429 deficiency appropriation for . . . 486 Pearce, James H., terms of court at . ... 686 pension increased 1256 Penitmtiarien, United States Courts, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, appropriation for construction, Leuvenestablishment of naval station directed 141 worth, Kuna . . 373, 1012 buildings, etc., authorized 141 Atlanta, Ga . 374,1012 graving dry dock to be built; capacity; McNeil Island, Wash . . ... 1013 cost ______________,__,,_,, 141 for maintenance 377, 1015 appropriation for dredging channel en- deficiency applropriation for McNeil Island, tmncg _,____,_,_,,,,,,,,,,,. 141, 763 Wash., eating plant ... 508 for dry dock. . 141 Perm, William R., pn mgclgng shops; cost, __,._,,,,,.. P penspnn inzprealsed . ... 1520 or store ouses. ... mn an, . ., for ard development; contracts ... , 141 acquiring site and erecting public buildfor giarine barracks and 0Ecers’ quarters. 766 ing at, authorized . 530 Pearl River, Miss., deficiency appropriation for . .. 486 preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 828 ’ public building street exposure restriction P€0T8du,’JQ88Ph7;7l€ M. (widow), 1247 Q Pmningmnwghgj .. 1067 IIS10D1D ---·-·- ··-- ·-·- ···— ——·- · I r ·1 pgjwzg, Vane; K,pension increased - ... 1578 pension . ... 1389 I Pennock, Helen, Pearson, Omg _D_, - { payment to, from funds of Sac and Fox pension jucfggggd __,______,,,,_., 1235 _ Indians of the Mississippi. . 89 Pease, Isaac D., Q Pc’fm0¢j}7, SGTOh (widow), P pcnS¥;1l}¤g;q;g€d ,___.,__.. . . 1423 P pensnpn increased . . .. 1364 gage 5 iam _, , ennsy rama, pension iucfggggd ___,_,____,.._...,.. . . . , 1378 T appropriation for Indian Service in .., 92, 808 peck, Gggrgg Hq l Permsylvamh Eastern Judicial District, pension increased ________,,__,_,,,, . , 1474 5 salary of attorney and assistant increased , , 375