Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1426

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2460 INDEX. Pens·ions—Continued. _ 1’¤H¤· P¢m.sions—Continued. 1’¤8¤- increased, Clark, William H .. 1209 increased, Collins, Robert . . .._,.. 1476 Clark, William J ... 1583 Collins, Thomas A . . 1510 Clark, William S .. . 1193 Collins, William T ... . .,... 1459 Clarke, Mathew H .. 1236 Colman, Cosma T ... 1287 Clarke, William ... 1549 Colvin, Harmon ...,,. . .,.. 1473 Clarkson, Reuben J . 1380 Comstock, Ishmael ... . ..,.. 1280 Clary, Samuel N . .` 1243 Conant, John A _. _ ._ 1496 Clason, Cyrus S .. . .. 1560 Condo, William . 1527 Clay, Anna W .. . .. 1551 Condon, John H . .. 1418 Clayton, Geollee W 1481 Conklin, Albert .. . . 1341 Cleary, John . 1244 Conklin, Dyer A 1498 Cleaveland, Edwin E ... 1328 Conklin, Louisa ,.. 1468 Cleavinger, Lewis C 1193 Conklin, Samuel S ,,,. . .,,,,_,. 1417 Clem, John W . 1481 Conlee, Thomas A .,.. . ,,..__.. 1613 Clement, Charles W ... 1340 Conley, Cornelius M ...,.,.,__., 1174 Clendenin, Mary A . 1210 Conley, James H ..._______..,___,, 1225 Clifford, Benjamin F .. 1339 Conley, Thomas ..,.,.. 1569 Clifford, Pearson N .. . .. 1286 Conley, William H. H . 1304 Cline, John .. . .. 1564 Conlin, Thomas . . .. 1537 Clipper, Geolége A ... Z . 1173 Conn, Eli . 1323 Clouse, Davi C 1411 Connell, Mathew .. 1515 Clum, Jesse S . 1431 Conner, James H ... 1430 Clute, Jacob .. 1296 Conner, Nancy E .___,...,.__.. 1331 Clutter, Andrew H . 1255 Conner, Sarah A ,..,,.._._.. 1540 Clutter, William N . 1579 Conniff, Michael ..., . .___,. 1261 Clutts, James H .. . . 1425 Connor, George S .__,.,...,___., 1431 Coakley, Isaac N ... . ... 1430 Connor, Michael ... 1291 Coats, ohn . - .. 1320 Connor, Peter .. 1 ,.. 1594 Cobb, James A . 1249 Conrad, William J . 1449 Cobb, James W - .. 1449 Conrath, David W ... , .. 1208 Cobbey, Harriett J. ... 1327 Conrey, John .,,_..._... 1487 Coble, David ... . . . . 1458 Conway, Patrick Henry - . - . 1497 Cobourn, Abraham . 1581 Conyers, Geo e P ._.,.,__.. 1308 Coburn, Caroline .. 1450 C le, John H. ..___,.__.. 1187 Cochran, Anna . 1205 Cixi, George F . 1527 Cochran, Elmadorus P . 1342 _ Cook, Jackson G .,.. 1493 Cochran, Fenimore P ... 1198 Cook, James E .. . .. 1492 Cock, George B. .. 1425 Cook, John . 1290 Cockram, John I .. 1583 Cook, Joseph ... 1378 Cockrell, James ... 1495 Cook, Mansfield J ... . . . 1263 Coddin ton, Charles ... 1367 Cook, Mary E . . 1214 Cody, William 1231,1317 Cooke, Calvin W ... 1616 Coe, Hezekiah 1228 Cooledge, Henry 1582 Coe, Thomas W ... 1238 Cooley, Elisha .. . .. 1333 Coe, William R ... . 1414 Coole ·, Sarah A .. . . . . . 1374 Cofer, Andrew . 1476 Coombs, Joseph A ...··- 1398 Cohee, William ... . 1239 Coon, James . ..·- 1516 Coffey, George W .. 1515 Coon, Orson N .. . --- 1336 Collin, Charles E .. . 1503 Coonen, Richard D -..-·-- - 1459 . Coighlan, Julia B . . 1538 Coons, John H ----· - ..------ 1495 Co allan, Arabella . . 1394 Cooper, Almon B ..--.-...------ 1582 Colboth, George W 1581 Cooper, Earl Henry, .-·---·--.----·- 1215 Colburn, Elisha H _,,,. . .,,__.,. 1210 Cooper, John, Illinois Infantry ...-- 1229 Colby, Abraham ,. 1340 Cooper, John, New York Infantry .----- 127] cnllly, Margaret E ...,,,,._._... 1544 l Cooper, John H . 1545 Cole, Elisha .. . 1254 l Cooper, John ,1 13¤5 Cole, James E .,.,. . 1286 E Coopndor, Eh .. . -. 1294 Cole, Martin J _____________,._.,,,___.. 1604 3 Copeland, Charles D 1245 Cole, vl inia c .,.. . ... 1200 é Copeland, Edwin C ... . 1309 Cole, wxlilnnl B ______ . _____.,._,.. 1199 { Copley, Lafayette . . 1302 Cole, William H ., . 1584 l Coppee, John ...---- 1419 Coleman, Anthon 1457 i Co 011, S119<11‘9-011 M -.-.»- - ------------ 1321 Coleman, mold _,..,,_.__.,.. 1590 = Corglll, Isaac W 1246 Coleman, Lionel O, ,,,____...__,.. 1348 l Cornish, Hiram ..--- 1591 Coleman, \Villinm _... . .,,, 1615 C0l11W€ll, MBFFKYGE .- · ------ 1182 Coleman, William H ... 1339 COTSOf!, NiC110 BS ---·-- · ------------ 1944 Colletg, Mary J ____ , ... 1320 Corwin, Stephen 1521 Collier, Simon _____,,, , ,_,, . 1544 C0tl19l'11, .18.11188 E ..---.---- 1392 Collins, Amlnbnld w __________._.,. 1318 Con-el, William A ... 1571 Collins, olmln, E __________ _ _..,,__.___ 1614 Cotteral, Frank H . 1338 · Collins, George ______________,...,___.. 1206 Cotton, Emma H . . 1203 Collins, Home L ________.__... 1202 Cottrell, Thomas S . 1173 collins, John c _____,_,._,_,..., 1311 Couch,_Sarah ... . ... 1547 Collins, Nathan ...,... . . 1306 Coughlin, Pew? -1 ·-····--··~··--·-·-···· 1549