Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1482

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2516 INDEX. Public Buildings Omnibus Act—Continued. P¤z¤- Public Buiuings Omnibus Act—Continued. Pem- San Francisco, Cal., subtreasury, {purchase District of Columbia, commission to invesof new, or enlargement o present tigate, etc.; report on transfers, etc., site, authorized ...,.,.,. . .. 539 pending; conveyances to be held in paving ad`acent alley, etc .. 1068 abeyance . 544 San Diego, dal., purchase of lands author- authority to send for papers, etc . 544 _ ized from former a propriation . 539 appropriation for expenses . 544 transfer for lands owned by War Depart- San yuan, P. R., portion of site for building ment . 540 transferred to city  ; 544 ` erection of building on land received 540 Washington, D. C., acquiring additional Newark, Ohio, open space requirement . land for filtration plant, authorized. 544 reduced .. . 546 Washington, D. C., addition to court-house Buffalo, N . Y., minimum rice for sale of for court of appeals 544 old building reduced? ... 540 deficiency appropriation for . 491 Arlington National Cemetery, Va., com- Washington, D. C., acquiring site, etc., for mission created to prepare plans, Departments of State, Justice, and etc., for memorial amphrtheater 540 Commerce and Labor . . . 545 appropriation for expenses ... 540 deficiency appropriation for . 491 Washington, D. C., commission designated Denver, Colo., amount for construction of to prepare plans, etc., for militia building; limit of cost .. 545 armory . 540 contracts authorized; expenditures for appropriation for expenses ... 540 1909 .. _ 545 Honolulu, Hawaii, amount for construction deficiency appropriation for .,..,_,.. 491 of building; limit of cost 541 Point Pleasant, W. Va,, memorial of colocontracts authorized; expenditure for nial Indian battle, 1774, authorized. 545 1909.-. ... 541 deficienc appropriation for . · 491 deficiency appropriation for . 490 Lawton, Olila., site for building may be Oklahoma City, kla., amount for con- _ sold; proceeds ,_. . ..,, 545 struction of building; limit of Cost. . 541 acquiring new site authorized ,,__.,. 1069 _ contracts authorized; expenditure for contracts authorized within limit of cost, 1909 .. _ 541 for construction, enlargements, etc., deficiency mpmpmuon for . 490 when appropriations are only made Muskogee, O ., amount for construction in part _ __,,,,,___,_,,_,,___._.,., 545 of building; limit of cost 541 offers for sites to be presented in writing. . .546 contracts authorized; limit for 1909 . 541 rent of buildings standing; exposure to site to be acquired .. 1067 streets ..,...,,._,.. 546 Shreveport, La., building to be taken down advertisement of proposals; examinations, and new one built; limit of cost . 541 etc .__,,.___,_____...,.,___,.. 546 open space requirement reduced; ex- open space for protection from fire; reducpenditure for 1909 ... . .. 541 tion in exceptional cases 546 dencienoy appropriation for . 490 Detroit, Mich., tem rary addition ..._ 1068 Minneapolis, Minn., amount for construc- Public Buildings and (wounds D, C'. , tion of building; limit of cost ... 542 appropriation for additional pay, officer in contracts authorized; expenditure for · charge .. 113, 739 1909 .. _ 542 for assistant engineer, clerks, etc .. 217, 881 deficiency appropriation for . 490 for foremen, gardeners, etc ... 217, 881 Dayton, Ohio, amount for construction of for watchmen .. .. 217, 881 building; limit of (3051; _____________ 542 for wgtchmnn,W3shingtpn’s birthplace 217, 881 contracts authorized; expenditures for for contingent expenses .. 217, 882 1909 ,_,,,_,___,__________,_,___,., 542 amount from District revenues , ,.,_ 217, 882 deficiency appropriation for . 490 for improvement and careof parks, etc. 354, 994 Jersey City, ll., amount for construction for Monument grounds, etc . . _355, 994 of building; limit of cost ,..,..,_ 542 licenses for bonthousesin tidal reservoir 355 contracts authorized; expenditures for tem rary structures on children ’s 1909 ,,,,,,_,.,,,___ _ ___,,.. . ,.,,._, 542 plgggrounds , ,... . ...,..._,.._ 355 Wilmin ton, N. C., amount for construction for Potomac Park .. - . 355, 994 0% building and additional land; extension of B street; purchase of limit of cost 542 squares 63 and 89 355 purchase of additional lands, and con- jurisdiction transferred. ... 356 tracts authorized; expenditures in roadway over tidal reservoir inlet . 356 1909 ..,... 543 half from District revenues- - 356 use of present site, with additions; sale or maximum, concrete, etc., pavements. 356, 995 use of old material . 543 for unveiling statue of General Sheridan- 356 deficiency appropriation for .. 1. - 490 I for grounds of Executive Departments. 356, 995 Lynchburg, Va., exchange of present build- for trees, etc., Library and Capitol ing with city for new site .. _ 543 grounds ,.,,_,..,.,,. 356, 995 construction of new building; limit of g for Executive Mansion gmunds . . . 356, 995 cost. I . . 543 * for employing engineer, etc .. 356, 995 unexpended balances authorized _. . . 543 S for repairs, etc., Executive Mansion . . . 356, 995 discretion to enlarge, etc., present build- · for addition to office building . . 995 lllg . . .-.. · -··-- 543 for fuel, Executive Mansion .. 356, 995 ‘ District of Columbia, commission to inves- for greeuhouwi, QU: .·.··--·· · -.··-··- 356, 996 tigate, etc., title of government for hghtmg; maximum .·--·-- 356,996 lands ,,_,,_,,,,_ _ ______,,,,,.,, 543 part from District revenue . . . . . 357, 996