Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1534

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2568 INDEX. Treasury Depar¢num¢—Contiuued. P¤H6— Trinity National Forest, Cul., Pagedelicieucgv appropriation for Oklahoma 519 proclamation gum ‘¤g_ _____________ 2179, 2243 for An itor for Navy Department .. 909 modifying bounqfllaries of _______________ 2195 for stationery . 909 Trinity River, Tc;,, for suppressing counterfeiting, etc . . 909 appropriation for improvement of, locks and , restriction on employees .. 910 — dams ________________,_________ 361, 1001 for quarantine service.' 910 use oibalance for improving, authorized for for Southern Pacific Company .. 910 Lock and Dam No. 2 .. 569 for Philippine Islands .. 910 Tripoli, for Kansas . . ... 911 I classification and salary of consulate ... 102 for Henry Frederick Wegner, adminis- i Tripp, Bradford H., tratcr 911 pension increased ... . 1460 for S. R. Green ... . .,.. 911 Tripp, Charlotte S, (w-How), for Farmers and Merchants’ Bank . . 911 pension ..,.,,.,_,,,..._,_____..,, 1285 for Charles S. Blood ... 911 Tripp, William H., for George M. Stackhouse ... 911 pension increased ...,,.., 1425 for C. F. Sugg . 912 Tritipoe, George P. V., for refund of duties on anthracite coal. - . 912 pension increased . . ._,,., 1318 for paying judgments of Court of Claims Trollope, Elijah, ` under ... . . 938 pension increased ...,,,., 1197 for building ... 939 Troops at Elections, · books not needed in library, may be trans- punishment for unlawful presence of .. 1092 ferred to life-saving stations . . - . 581 Trott, Wilhhm T., credit in accounts, George A. Bartlett, pension increased . - ...,.. 1312 Thomas J. Hobbs ... . .. 492 Trout, Edith Burt (wildow), customs officials, pay increased of certain . . 1065 pension increased .., . ..._,,..,.,_ 1394 Life-Saving Service, pay of superintend- Trout, George H., ents, etc., increased ... 46 pension increased 1513 allowance for death, extended to de- Trowbridge, Phineas P., pendent mother 47 pension increased ,... 1250 Revenue-Cutter Service personnel estab- Troy, Alu., ` lished 61 construction authorized of public building Treasurer ’slpay increased . 1065 at 526 Treaties (see a so Conventions), deficiency appropriation for-, . : 483 extradition, with Nicaragua ... . . 1869 appropriation for ... 958 with San Marino .. . 1971 Truax, Elizabeth (widow), with Spain 1947 pension increased 1515 with Uruguay - 2028 Truckqy, Peter, with Great Britain, defining, etc., bound- pension increased . - . - 1349 aries with Canada . 2003 True, Edward A., for conveyance of prisoners and wreck- pension increased .. . . 1342 ing and salvage ... 2035 Trueworzhy, Amanda A. (widow), Trcbdzond, pension .. 1311 classiiication and salary of consulate .. . 102 Truitt, Arthur F., Trees, pension increased 1389 punishment for cutting, injuring, etc., on Trumble, Edward, public reservations ... . . 1098 pension increased 10% chipping, boxing, etc., for pitch, turpen- Trumpeters, Army, tine, etc., on public lands ... . . . 1098 allowance for reenlisting in_3 months from Trees, Caleb, expiration of iirst enlistment ... 110 pension increased ... . 1492 Truss, Thomas J., Trent River, N. (J'., ‘ pension increased , . .. . . . - 1505 preliminary examination of, to be made,. . 830 Trane: for Dnbabkd Soldiers, Trenton, Mo., appropriation for..._..: . -  ; 1006 acquiring site for public building at, au- permanent appropriation for, repealed 367 d Hthorized . f ..,,.. 5 34 Trust Proaccutwgna, tm 236 e cienc appropriation or- . . 488 appropriation 0l‘ 8 YDGYS -·-·------------ Trcnum, N. lt, pp P Truaty, William, ap mpi-lation for public building . . 318, 958 V pension increased .·- . --.--...---. 1562 enlargement of public building at, author- e Truxel, Jacob W, · ized .. . 525 pension increased ._ ...,,,. 1576 deficiency appropriation for . . . 483 Trwltzm UGH;/0%, ANZ-, _ • Trez·i.oe, John, appropriation for Indian school. . 76, 787 pension increased ,,,,.,. - ,.,____,,,., 1360 0I' amtés H. 0W8H 787 Trieste, Ts-ingtau, classification and salary of consulate ... 101 classification and salary of consulate .. 101 Trimble, James A., Tuberculin, Seruma, etc., .pension increased ,,,,,.. - ,_.,,__,..., 1186 appropriation for purchase of, for treating Tr·i1•·•21qd, diseases oi animals ... 255, 1043 classification and salary of consulate ... 101 Tuberculo.n2s,_D. C., _ _ Dinidad, Colo., appropriation for registration, etc., of cases. 714 appmpdatiou for public building .. 958 cases to be_ reported to health officer, by limit of cost increased, public building. . . 520 physicians, hvvpltlls, BV! ·.-.··-- H0