Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1552

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2586 INDEX. Winters, Sophw (widow), PBSB- Woburn, Maas.,P¤z¤· pension increased - ... 1255 constmction authorized of public building Winton, Charles F. at 526 intervening of William N. Vemon and deficiency appropriation for 483 others allowed in suit against Missis~ appropriation for. .. 958 zippi Choctaws by estate of ._,_,_____ 457 Wold, Ansel, Winton, ederick D., deficiency appropriation for services .. 933 Wpension increased 1224 Wolf, Elihu, onward, Emma J. (undow), Wpension increased 1561 Wpension increased .. . . 1596 0lL George R., zreless Telephones, Arm , Wpeusion , . 1396 appropriatiop for purcbase, etc., of appa- 7 ol f, Mary E. (widow), 355 ratus or ,... . . 34 pension increased 1 Wirtz, S., 1488 Wolfggiggarles T., · 1602 nsion increased ... . . . » Wdsionsin, Wglilel, Frederick, appropriation for Indian Service in .. 96, 813 Wpension increased . . . . 1481 bridge authorized across Saint Louis River, ol f , Francie J. D., between Minnesota an 33 pension increased 1447 Wisconsin Central Railroad, Wol/ley, Nelson, homesteaders ejected from lands of, al- pension increased 1244 lowed credit for residence, etc., on Wolgemuth, James B., ‘ making new entries . . .. 466 pension increased 1193 time extended ,,.. 466 Woman and Child Workers, "Wi•oom·in," U. S. S., approprkiation for investigating condition approtion for repairs . 769 o . - . 239, 902 WiscmmPriuWestern Judicial District, Womm, Trafc in White, terms of court, etc., at Superior, Wis .. 647 IUYQOYHNSIOQIQI agreement for repression of. . 1979 W5", gamut H_, Women}: Clinic, D. C., ming increased _,,,, , _,,,_,,____..,,,,. 1295 Spptophation for maintenance ._,___ _ _ _ 305, 72] Wigseernan, Mllmm H., Womergley, John, . mma mereesed ,,,,...,...,..,. 1520 Wpension increased 1426 Wioeer, Dliva (widow), 1487 ¢rmmaek,_Wzllmm L., 1475 ug] u ____________ _ ____,___,,_____ . ,,_, p6llS10ll IDC .. . . Wgsehart? Rebecca S. (willow), Wood, Charles, 1601 ngion incrggggd ____,,____,, . ,_,_,,.,,,. 1185 pension 1I1C11B3S8d Wiltfraft, Benjamin I., Wood, D. C., _ ngion increased _,,,,,__,,__,,,,,, , . 1275 legal cord of, constituted .. . . . 55 Wgr, Samuel, 1301 Wvvd. Pavid. UM pension increased .. . . P0¤¤10¤_ 1110 -----------· ·- --·-------· Wg,*;g,{;;~,;,g, _______ _ ________________ ,,,, ”’;:*1;.£;**z€;*.£i..d 1524 mtherspoon John Wood, E. (llI'ld0‘l0), cc · -0,, designated for sim and gsm, Wpension increased 1386 for statue of a s' ner of the eclara- °°d· H“"°ld Iv at of instanéim .¤. .. .. as ,,¤·¤¤¤*<··· *¤·=¤¤·¤¤·* ·--·--------·--—-----—-- **9* .W7lhcrspoondMmwrgtlA;;oe{ag{0n, Wgzgsggffy E., · - _ 1608 cn es' on comm1ss` ion on site `'``'’`'``'```'`` ` and_ 1 for monument 579 g;;¤{gg7?Eg}ca”d_ _ __________ _ ___________ 1463 appt0pt12th10D for CXPQDBCS . 579 Wood Ira A_ _ Withlaeoodiee mw, Fla., ’s· · 'mwd ___________, · ,,., 1597 appropriation for improvement of . 361, 1001 wm $3;;%,, Withrogv, David B., 1264 mdpn incrptased 1365 pension increased .. . . , _ erome ., wwwa, Umm sam cmu, Wi¤=¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤~¤¤¤d --—--··-- - —-----·-----—· 1516 appropriation for fees . · src, 1015 wd. Um A-, disepucyggsrggngtmu rm-lag .. so, so, w Wwngphhngmwd —·---·--·—— - -------~---- 1232 Of OBB, ll C88GB, . .. r _ _ ·v allowance for attendance in certain States WP°¤¤°¤ mcmased --··----·-········---··· 1329

nd'l`erritories;noconstructive,etc., 377 m {g';f'?n£{·· I 1487

,,,8 ______________________________ s .. . . punishment for accepting bribes by .. 1113 Wood, _John W, intimidating, corrupting, em , .. 1113 credit in accounts 1623 conspiracy tp intimidate, em ..,.,,, 1113 appropnation for balance due 1623 Witte, Albert, Wood, Malinda (daughter), pension increased ,_..,... . ... - . - . 1467 pension .. 1539 W'meh, H Etta 'dow , Wood Pulp etc., pension.?? .. ( . . .,...,.., 1521 printing ordered of hearings on ... 9 Wittmann,_Joaepl•, Wood Birer, Oreg., · _ pensv$uncrensed ... . 1470 rehnnnary examination of, to be made. . . 831 P 7H':rzm,·Willia·m N., Wood, Wales W, pension incrmaed ... . 1171 pension increased s 1542