Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/382

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 230. 1909. 1537 pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws- The name of Sgdney B. Strunk, late of Company K, Thirtieth SY"“°Y B- S*’““‘*- Regiment United tates Infantry, war with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of eigpt dollars per month. The name of Julia . Reynolds, widow of Robert W. Reynolds, late §j{;f°;;*¤I{g;i;jmdfirst lieutenant, Third Regiment United States Cavalry, and pafy her` a pension at the rate of twentyfive dollars per month in lieu o that she is now receiving, and two ollars per month additional on account of each of the four minor children o said Robert W. Reynolds until the reach the e of sixteen ears. '12-he name ofaVVarren A. Wyoodson, late hospital steward, United W°”°¤A·W°°°¤°¤· States Army, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per _ month in lieu of that he is now The name of Elijah S. Gadson, late of Company H, Twenty-fifth Qfgfgg; GMM Regiment United States Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate ' of 'fvyelve dollprpv per mlcangli. 1 {C0 G S h R Pc e name 0 arren . ee, ate 0 m any , ixt e 'ment ;“*°” *“°’°°°°d· United States Infantry, andaiay him a pensihn at the rate ofgthirty W mn D`M°g°°` dollars per month in lieu of t at he is now receiving. The name of Paul Madison, late of United States ship Bennington, $$:,**;*,*;,,,,0,1 United States N ayy, war with Spain. - ‘ _ ' The name of omas Conlin, late of Company B, Fourteenth §f,'g'},°£, §f,{g{°‘· Regiment United States Infantry, and pay himia pension at the rate of t 'rty dollars g month in lieu of that e is now receivin . The name of omas Pierce, late of Troop L, Fourth Regiment {f,"g,,,.“°’¥‘;,,cm°_' United States Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month. The name of Charles B. Stockton, late of Company C, Twent -ii1st ’ ¤¤¤r1¤¤P-S¢<>·=k¤¤¤- Regiment United States Infantry, war with Spain, and pay a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. . The name of Robert H. Sylvester, late of Captain Sparkman’s §¤¤jb;*;>t¤g¤g¤¤{¤g_5¤té¤- independent company, Florida Mounted Volunteers, Florida Seminole °y V r` Indian war, and may him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of t at he is now receiving. The name of Jesse McClelland, late of Captain S; L. Sparkman’s J¤¤¤= M¤¤¥¤U·¤¤· company, Florida Mounted Volunteers, Flori a Seminole Indian war, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiv` . The name of Adolphul;1I). Edwards, late of Company M, Seventh X$i*:j*°,{¤`;· E M_ Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, war with pain. wmup ' he name of Abraham F. Williams, late of Captain William H. Kg*;gi,$:;1*¤*g,*¤¤{;Qi_ Kendrick’s company, Florida Mounted Volunteers, Florida Seminole iam. ` Indian war, an pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receivin . The name of John G. Benton, late of Captains Bullock and Rut— ’°**¤ G- B°“*°“· land’s companies, Florida Indian war, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars er month in lieu of t at he is now receiving. The name of Maxilield McClelland, late of Captain Durrance’s ,a;‘;‘“°m “°°‘°*‘ independent company, Florida Mounted Volunteers, Florida Seminole· Indian war, and pay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per ` month in lieu of that he is now receiv` . The name of Berrien D. Whitehursltjglate of Captain Snell’s inde- m£;{¤‘*¤¤ D- Whiw pendent company First Regiment Florida Mounted Volunteers, lorida Seminole Indian war and ay him a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars er month in lieu ofp that he is now receivin . The name ofp Addie B. Black, widow of Ral h E. Blaci, late of ffggfg BML Company M, Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Voiimteer Infantry, war ` with Spain, and (pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month, and two ol ars er month additional on account of the minor child of said Ralph E. Bl)ack until she reaches the age of sixteen years.