Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/478

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1636 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. F¤b¤¤¤rr26. 1909- HARRY KIMMEL. tm'?;? 71.] Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That ngiyn iii] uni sm the President be requested to return to the House of Representatives '°”“’°‘· ’°‘*"°"°"· the bill (H. R. 17214) for the relief of Harry Kimmel, a commander on the retired list of the United States Navy. Passed February 26, 1909. Umh L im- . ADDITIONAL J UDGES, ETC. mimnmnm I5`] Resolved by the House of Rqnesentatives (the Senuweconmcvriezg), That _,Q"‘““°"°* ""’*°°· the President be requested to return to the House of Representatives R¤¢¤¤¤ ¤f W1 re- (H. R. 21896), Sixtieth Congress, “An Act to amend section eighty- °°°°°°°° six of an act to provide a government for the Territory of Hawaii, and to provide for additional judges, and for other judicial purposes. " Passed March 1, 1909. Nlwh 2. UU- ADDITIONAL J UDGES. m` uTu'Ru'N°`-M Resolved by the House of Represe1ttat·aIves(the Senate cmwurrbng), That wj°°*“°°** i““8°**· the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate be authorized Hnmlhncnr cf. wr- to cancel their signatures to (H. R. 21896) "An Act to amend section '°°°°°' · eighty-six of an Act tgdgrovide a government for the Territory of Hawaii, to dprovide for itional judges, and for other judicial purposes," an that the bill be re—enrolled, with the correction in Section twenty-three, line two, after the word "and" strike out the word , "eight” and insert "nine ", so that the sentence shall read: “Sec. 23. That this Act shall take effect and be in force on and after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and nine." Passed March 2, 1909. Ulmh 3· 1*9- CUSTOMS TARIFF. [S` com Res. S0` lm Resolved by the Senate (the Home oflfepresentutivec coneurwing), That §,‘fj§°,f,"“ $,3,,,,,,,, there be printed fifteen thousand additional copies of Senate documjns ,¢¤.0:d<;_<}°k ment live undred and forty-seven, Sixtieth Congress, Second session, p.-;,,¤,.f°° °° relating to customs tariffs and consisting of Senate and House reports of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, eighteen hundred and ninety, eighteen hundred and nine?-four and eighteen hundred and ninety- seven; five thousand copies or the use of the Senate and ten thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives. Passed March 3, 1909. K _12foE1E39m- REPORT OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. [S` Cm Rm Noi ms`] Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That Cgjfggfjné C“”*'·l there be printed three thousand additional copies of the annua report °,Addi¤¤u¤) ggpies of the Isthmian Canal Commission for nineteen hundred and eight, ,r;{°L°r° ° ’ ° md with accompanying illustrations; one thousand copies for the use of the Senate and two thousand copies for the use of the House of Rep- _ resentatives. Passed March 3, 1909.