Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/480

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TREATIES AND OONVENTIONS. Universal Postal Convention concluded between German and Ger- M¤S’26y1906- man Protectorates, United States of America and the island Pos- Contracting powsessions of the United States of America, Argentine Republic, °"‘ Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chili, Chinese Empire, Republic of Colombia, Congo Free State, Empire of Corea, Republic of Costa Rica, Crete, Republic of Cuba, Denmark and Danish Colonies, Dominican Re blic, Egypt, Ecuador, Spain and Spanish Colonies, Ethiopian mmre, France, Algeria, French Colonies and Protectorates of Indo—China, the whole of the other French Colonies, Great Britain and various British Colonies, British India the Commonwealth of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, British (felonies of South Africa, Greece, Guatemala, Republic of Hayti, Republic of Honduras, Hungary, Italy and the Italian Colonies, Japan, Republic of Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Norway, Republic of Panama, Para uay, Netherlands, the Dutch Colonies, Peru, Persia, Portugal and Pgortuguese Colonies, Roumania, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Kingdom of Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunis, Turkey, Uruguay, and United States of Venezuela. Les soussignés, plénipoten- The undersigned, plenipoten- Universe: rom: tiaires des Gouvernements des tiaries of the Governments of the Uuiilgamuie. pays ci-dessus énumérés, s’étant abovemamed countries, being asréunis en Congres a Rome, en sembled in Con ess at Rome, by vertu de Particle 25 de la Conven- virtue of Artic? 25 of the Um- von. so, p. mm. tion postale universelle conclue a versal Postal Convention con- \Vashington le 15 juin 1897, ont, eluded at \Vashington on the d’un commun accord et sous ré- 15th of June, 1897, have, by comserve de ratification, revise ladite mon consent and subject to rati- Convention conformément aux fication, revised the said Condispositions suivantes: vention in conformity with the following stipulations: Awmcm 1°’. Anricxm 1. Déjinition de l’Union postale. Definition of the Postal Union. Les pays entre lesquels est con- The countries between which lobim or convenclue la présente Convention, ainsi the present Convention is con- *°"‘ que ceux qui y adhéreront ulté- eluded, as .well as those which rieurement, forment, sous la dé- mag adhere to it hereafter, form, nomination d’Union postale uni- un er the title of Universal rerselle, un seul territoire postal Postal Union, a single postal terpour Péchange réciproque des ritory for the reciprocal excorrespondances entre leurs bu- change of correspondence bereaux de poste.tween their Post Oiiioes. 1639