Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/520

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MAY 26, 1906. 1679 REGULATIONS. Detailed Regulations for the Execution of the Convention concluded ef°““*"’°“ “”°°*‘ between Germany and Gevman Protcctorates, United States of America, and the Island Possessions of the United Staes of America, Argentine Re blic, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herze govina, Brazil, Eillgama, Chili, Chinese Empire, Republic of Colombia, Congo Free State, Empire of Corea, Republic of Costa Rica, Crete, Re blic of Cuba, Denmark and Danish Colonies, Dominican Re blib, Egypt, E cucdor, Spain and S nish Colonies, · Ethiopian Empire, France, Algeria, French Comics and Protectorates of Indo-China, the whole of the other French Colonies, Great Britain and various British Colonies, British India, the Commonwealth of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, British Colonies of South Africa, Greece, Guatemala, Republic of Hayti, Republic of Honduras, Hungary, Italy and the Italian Colonies, Japan, Republic of Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Norway, epublic of Panama, Paraguay, Netherlands, the Dutch Colonies, Peru, Persia, Portugal and Portuguese Colonies, Roumania, Russia Salvador, Servia, Kingdom og Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, lunis, Turkey, Uruguay, and nited States of Venezuela. Les soussignés, vu Particle 20 The undersigned, having re- edM*¤¤¤¤*¤ ¤•i¤P¢· de la Convention postale univer- gard to Article 20 of the Uni- Q,,,,,, ,,_16m,_ selle, conclue a Rome le 26 mai versal Postal Convention con- 1906 ont, au nom de leurs Ad- eluded at Rome on the 26th of ministrations respectives, arrété May, 1906, have, in the name of d’un commun accord les mesures their respective Administrations, suivantes, pour assurer l’exécu- settled by common consent the tion de ladite Convention. following measures for ensuring the execution of the said Convention. I. I. Direction des correspondances. F orwarding of the mails. 1. Cheque Administration est 1. Each Administration is ,,,.,€¥'ZZ,‘§,$'.ll",'€,ut§Y’ obligée d expédier, par les voies bound to forward, by the most les plus rapides dont elle peut dis- rapid routes at its disposal for poser pour ses propres envois, les its own mails, the closed mails dépeches closes et les corres- and the articles in open—mail pondanccs 5 découvert qui lui which are delivered to it by ansont livrées par une autre Ad- other Administration. ministration. _ Dans le cas ou une Administra- In the event of an Administm- ,,,,§,‘}?°" Su‘gf,e,,Q§§,, tion, par des circonstances ex- tion finding itself obliged, by ex- gfosegeggggcgtp of traordinaires, se voit obligée de ceptional circumstances, to sus-' sus ndre temporairement 1’ex- pend temporarily the despatch ' péciition des dépeches closes et des of closed mails and articles in correspondanees a découvert qui open-mail which are delivered to 80893·—v0x. 35, rr 2—09—~34