Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/573

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1732 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MAY 26, 1906. golfe de Guinée, ensem· Guinea, the whole of the ble des colonies italiennes, Italian Colonies, Liberia, Liberia, Montenegro. Montenegro. XXXIX. XXXIX. 'E;*{:;e¤;;*:;}gg:{ Oammunications aadresser au Oommunieatiom to be addressed Bureau. Bureau international. ‘ to the International Bureau. N¤tl¤c¤ti<>¤¤· 1. Le Bureau international sert 1. The International Bureau · d’intermédiaire aux notifications serves as the medium for regular régulieres et générales qui intéres- notifications of a general kind sent la relations internationales. concerning international r el a - · tions. mpglopgsgtgesfcr 2. _Lcs Administrations faisant _ 2. The Administrations belong- ° partie de l’UH10D doivent se com- mg to the Union must communimuniquer notamment, par l’inter- cate to each other s p e cially _ m é d 1 a i r e du Bureau interna- through the mediumof the Intertional: national Bureau: sumnmges, etc. 1° Pindication des surtaxes 1° The particulars of the surqu’ell$ percoivent par charges which, b virtue 4***-P- 1****- application de l’artic e 5 of Article 5 of the Conde la Convention, en vention, they levy in adplus de la taxe de dition to the UDIOH rate, l’Union, soit pour port whether for sea ostage maritime, soit pour ais or for expenses oi) extrade transport extraordi- ordinary conveyance, as naires, amsi que la no- well as a list of the · menclature des pays par countries in relation to rapport auquels ces sur- which these surcharges taxes sont percues, et, are levied, and, if needs’il y a lieu, la désigna- ful, the designation of tion des voies quf en the routes giving rise to motivent la perception; the surchar es; 8*** °* •*¤¤l¤ 2° la collection en trois ex- 2° Three compite sets of emplaires de leurs tim- their postage stamps, bres—poste, avec indica- with an indication, when tion, le cas échéant, de the case arises, of the la date a partir de date on which postage laquelle les timbres- stamps of previous isposte des émissions ante- sues cease to be valid; rieures cesseraient d’avoir cours; U”° °*' °¥’*‘°”· 3° l’avis si elles entendent 3° Notice whether they mean user de la faculté qui est to use the option left to laissée aux Administra- Administrations to aptions d’appliquer ou de ply or not to apply cerne pas apphquer cer- tam general stipulations taines dispositions géné- of the Convention and rales de la Convention _ of the present Regulaet du present Regle- tions; ment; _ Reduced Mtv- 4° les taxes modérées qu’e1les 4° The reduced rates which ont adoptées, soit en they have_ a d o p the d , v e r t u d’arrangements e 1 t h e r in virtue of particuliers conclus par s pec 1 al arrangements n»¢e,p.1ee1. application de Particle concluded under Article 21 de la Convention, soit 21 of the Convention. or en execution de Particle in execution of Article 20 de la Convention, et 20 of the Convention, ‘