Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/667

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1826 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. DEC.3,1903 pays auquel appartient le pélerin, the country to which the pilgrim ou le medecin du navire a bord belongs, or the physician of the duquel il va s’embarquer, les juge vessel on which he is about to emnécessaires. bark, deems them necessary. °nP:::l;¢:s1¤v*¤d CHAPITBE III.—Pénala`teCs. CHAPTER II1.—BmaZz7z'es. Failure ¢¤ dfmilr ART. 151.—Tout capitaine con- ARTICLE 151. Every captain °t° mt"' °t°' vaincu de ne pas s’etre conformé, convicted of not having conpour la distribution de l’eau, des formed, in the distribution of wavivres ou du combustible, aux en- ter, provisions, or fuel, to the obga ements pris par lui, est pas- ligations assumed by him, shall sib%e d’une amende do 2 livres be liable to a line of two Turkish · turques (‘). Cette amende est pounds." This fine shall be colcoumm Mm percue au profit du pelerin qui ected for the benefit of the pil- ¤¤¤ of ¤¤¤¤- aurait été victime du manquement grim who shall have been the vioet qui établirait qu’i1 a en vain tim of the default, and who shall réclamé Pexécution de Pengage- prove that he has vainly dement pris. manded the execution of the agreement made. rim for failure ART. 152.—Toute infraction a ARTICLE 152. Every infraction §:,,_¤°·* "‘“"’“’°~ rmacic 104 est panic d’une of Article 104 Simi be punished ,,,,;,,p_ 1g0g_ amende de 30 livres turques. by ai iine of thirty Turkish poun s. Begghlzgcblll °‘ ART. 153.——Tout capitaine qui ARTICIIE 153. Every captain ’a commis ou qui a sciemment who has committed or who has laissé commettre une fraude quel- knowingly permitted any fraud ‘· conque concernant la liste des whatever concerning the list of ‘¤>··· ·**”'°·P· 1812- pelerins ou la patente sanitaire, pilgrims or the bill of health ro- ·’ ' révuesa l’artic e 110, est passible vided for in Article 110 shall) be `*' d’une amende de 50 livres turques. liabled to a iine of fifty Turkish poun s. msygggi égivigg ART. 15Et.——'1‘out capitaine de ARTICLE 154. Every captain of umm, exc. navnre arrivant sans patents sani- a vessel arriving without a bill of taire du port de depart, ou sans health from the port of deparvisa des ports de relache, on non ture, or without a visé from the muni de la liste réglementaire et ports of call, or who is not 1·0- réguliéremeut tenue suivant les vided with the list requirccilhy articles 110, 123 et 12-1, est',pa.s- the regulations and regularly ,8;*_;·'{;,,g{¤*· 1**1% sible, dans chaque cas, dune kept in accordance with Articles ' amende do 12 livres turques. 110, 123, and 121, shall be liable in each case to a iine of twelve Turkish pounds. snaps not cam-- ART. 155. Tout capitaine con- ARTICLE 155. Every captain "'g '* *'*‘”‘°'““· vaincu d"avoir ou d’avoir eu a convicted of having or having had bord plus de cent pelerms sans on board more than 100 pilgrims la_ pr sence d’un médecin com- without the presence of a commissionne, conforménient aux pre- missioned physician in conformity Am. p. 1am. scriptions de Particle 103, est with the provisions of Article 103 passible d`une amende de 300 shall be liable to a fine of thirty nies tuf‘g]6ues.T t _ _ Tugkish pounds. Vessels carrying RT. .—— ou capitame con- RTICLE 156. Everv ca tain ”°°” °! pilgrims' vaincu d’avoir ou <l’avoir eu a convicted of having or haging son bord un nombre de pelerins had on board a greater number supérieur a celui qu’il est autorisé of ilgrims than that which he is 5 embarquer, conformément aux autlhorized to embark in conform- Anmp- 1812. prescriptions de Particle 110, est ity with the provisions of Article . passible d’une amende de 5 livres 110 shall be liable to a nne of five j —-&-;_...rgi iA»~_.. ._._..A_A*A____ a (‘) La livre turqne vaut 22 fr. 50. 0 The Turkish pound is worth 22 francs and 50 centiuies. ig t