Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/728

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INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS CON VENTION. JULY 6,1906.1887 Son Excellence le President de His Excellency the President of laRepublique Argentine: S. E. M. the Argentine Republic: His Ex- Enrique B. Moreno. envoge extra- cellency Mr. Em·ique B. Moreno, ordinaire et ministre pl nipoten— EnvoyExtraordinaryand Minister tiaire a Berne, M. Molina. Salas, Plenipotentiary at Berne, Mr. ‘ consul general en Suisse; Molina Salas, C0nsul·General in Switzerland; Sa Majeste l’Empereur d’Au· His Ma`esty the Emperor of triche, Roi de Boheme, etc., et Roi Austria, King of Bohemia, etc., Apostolique de Hongrie: S. E. M. and Apostolic King of Hungary: le baron Heidler de Egeregg et His Excellency Baron Heidler de Syrgenstein, conseiller intime Egeregg et Syrgenstein, Actual actuel, envoye extraordinaire et Privy Councilor, Envoy Extraor- ‘ ministre plenipotentiaire a Berne; dinary and Minister Plenipoten— tiar at Berne; Sa Majeste le Roi des Belgesz His Majesty the King of the M. le coonel d’etat-major comte Belgians: Colonel of· Staff Count de T’Serclaes, chef d’etat-major de T’Serclaes, Chief of Staff of the° de la4'“' circonscription militaire; Fourth Militar District; Son Altesse Royale le Prince de His Royal Highness the Prince Bulgarie: M. le D' Marin Rous- of Bulgaria: Dr. Marin Rousseif, sei}, directeur du service sanitaire, Chief Medical Officer, Captain of M. le capitaine d’etat·majcr Boris Staff Boris Sirmanoif; Sirmanoif; Son Excellence le President de His Exeellenc the President of la Re uhlique du Chili: M. Agua- the Reppplic ofy Chile: Mr. Autin Edwards, envoyé extraor— wards, Envoy Extraordinairc et ministre plenipotenti- inary and Minister lenipotenaire; tialriy; Sa Majesté l’EmpereurdeChine: is Majesiy the Emppror of S. E. M. Lon 'l`sengTsiang, envoyé China: His xcellency r. Lou extraordinaire et ministre plénipo- Tseng Tsiaug, Envoy Extraorditentiaire a La Haye; nary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Hague; Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, His Majesty the King of the Souverain de l’Etat Independant Belgians, Sovereign of the Congo du Congo: M. le colonel d`etat- F reeState: Colonel of Staff Count major comte de .T`Serclaes, chef de T’Serclaes, Chief of stall` of the d etat-major de la ·L"‘° circonscrip- Fourth Military District of Beltion militaire de Belgique; gium; SaMajeste l’En1pereurdeCoree: His Majesty- the Enléperor of S. E. M. Kato Tsunetada, envoyé Corea: His Excellency r. Tsuneextraordinaire et ministrc plénipo- tada Kato, Envoy Extraordinary tentiaire du Japon a Bruxelles; and Minister Plenipotentiary of Japan to Brussels; Sa Majeste le Roi de Danemark: His Majesty the King of Den- M. Laub, medecin general, chef du mark: Mr. Laub, Surgeon-Gem corps des medecins de Parmée: eral, Chief of the Medical Corps of the Army; Sa Majeste le Roi d’Espagne: His Majesty the Kin of Spain: S. E.M.SilveriodeBaguery* Corsi, His Excellency Mr. glverio de comte de Baguer, ministre resi- Baguer y Corsi, Count of Baguer, dent; Minister Resident; Le President des Etats-Unis The President of the United _ d’Amérique: M. William Cary States of America: Mr. William Sanger, ancien soussecrétaire de Cary Sanger, former Assistant la guerre des Etats—Unis d’Ame- Secretary of War of the United rique, M. le contre-amiral Charles- States of America, Vice—Admiral S. Sperry, president de l’école de Charles S. Sperrly, President of guerre navale, M. le general de the Naval WarCo lege, Brigadier- 80893-voL 35, Pr 2—09——47