Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/736

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INTERNATION AL RED CROSS CONVENTION. JULY 6, 1906. 1895 requisition reconnu aux bellige- subject to the recognized right of rants selon les lois et usages de la requisition by belligerents in conguerre. formity to the laws and usages of war. C11APrrnmV.—Desc0nv0’£s d’évacu· CHAPTER V.——(,bm:0ys of evacuaation. tion. Ama 17. Ama 17. Les convois d’évacuation seront Convoys of evacuation shall be ag<;¤;*¤¥¤ 0* ¤'¤°· traites comme les formations saui- treated as mobile sanitary forma- u ` taires mobiles,_sauf les dispositions tions subject to the following spespeciales suivantes: cial provisions: 1°. Le belligerant interceptant 1. A belligerent intercepting a m';`;g{;g¤¢;¤Jnggy餷 un convoi pourra, si les necessites convoy may, if required by mili- ' militaires l exigent,le disloquer en tary necessity, break up such consechargeant des malades et blesses voy, charging himself with the qu’il contient. care of the sick and wounded ' whom it contains. ( 2°. Dans ce cas, Pobligation de 2. In this case the obligation to ta§°*“*l?s0gl{e,¤;lljj renvoyer le personnel sanitaire, return the sanitary personnel, as plogiedie Plane a l’art1cle 12, sera etendue provided article 12, shall be ·*"'°· P- 1893- a tout le personnel militaire pre- extended to include the entire pose au transport ou a la garde du military personnel employed, unconvoi et muni a cet e et d’un der competent orders, mt etrans— mandat regulier. portation and protection of the convoy. V L’obligation de rendre le mate- The obligation to return the san- tR¤¤w¤v ¤¤¤¤¤» riel sanitaire, prevue a Particle 14, itary materiel, as provided for in ° °` s’appliquera aux trains de chemins article 14, shall apply to railway AMc.p.1894. de fer et bateaux de la navigation trains and vessels intended for ininterieure specialement organises terior navigation which have been pour les evacuations, ainsi qu’au especially equipped for evacuation materiel daménegemeni des voi- purposes, as well as to the ordinar tures, trains et bateaux ordinaires vehicles, trains, and vessels which appartenant au service de saute. belong to the sanitary service. · _ Les voitures militaires, autres Militar vehicles, with their EJ!"'};;;' ggblgfg; que celles du service de sante, teams, officr than those belonging nnriéd. pourront etre capturées avec leurs to the sanitary service, may be attelages. captured. Le personnel civil et les divers [he civil personnel and the vari- "f**** ¤**¤°¤¤°'~ moyens de transport provenant de ous means` of transportation ob- ` la requisition, * compris le mate- tained by requisition, including riel de chemin de fer et les bateaux railway materiel and vessels utilutilises pour les convois, seront ized for convoys, are subject to the soumis aux regles generales du general rules of international law. droit des gens. CHAPITRE V1.—·Du aigne dia- CHAPTER VI.-—Di.stinctive emtinctj A blem. Ama 18. Ama 18. Par hommage pour la Suisse, le Out of respect to Switzerland ,,,,,2}***,§‘,°‘*',Qf,,,,t§“,‘Q;; signe heraldique de la croix rouge the heraldic emblem of the red S•=rvi¤¤· sur fond blanc, forme par inter- cross on a white ground, formed version des couleurs federales, est by the reversal of the federal col maintenu comme cmbleme et signe ors, is continued as the emblem distinctif du service sanitaire des and distinctive sign of the sanitary armees. service of armies.