Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/811

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F 10, 1908. 1970 PARCEL-POST CONVENTION——URUGUAY. Form No. 2. Form N0. 2. Parcel post between the United States and the Republic of Uruguay. Data. i Placelto which rom: or cusm-ous i>scx.AuA-nos. the (parcel is Stump. ad msscd. De rl v 1 1: | [S£tg)Vlg:tl)lGI?ll);c;. COHEOIUSS. i Value, Per egg; Togaéscusgcnls ` bag, basket,eto.] [ rg° ._...—.;_. 1..—._. if 4 1 l l I_.___ .4,, Total ,.. I [ i _____ _______;- -1 ____.¥._1_.% _;_____;_ Date of posting: .. , 19. .; signature and address of sender{ '‘'‘'‘'`’ For use ofPos1:-Oflice only, and to be filled up at the office of exchange: Parcel bill No . · N0. of rates prepaid  ; Entry No . 1•‘onnNo.a. Form 3. Parcels from the United States jar the Republic of Uruguay. Date stnmsp ot the Date stamp of the i United tatas Uruguay Post-Otlice. Post-Otlice. l £'_"%`I I—"`"`_ r

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·Parcel Bill No dated 19..; per S. S. " .. "‘ ·. I _t— _ . I itl i * Sheet N0. I"—"—·*—·—·*<_">·——·+——‘"·*"”~——t—·— I Entry ? °"§"‘l N"'" I1>¢¤1lmd 1>¤¤1mu· N“’“"°'I E N°- prim. l··¤··¤<¤¤·-I """°” "’ ¥""°°‘· mmm. 1,,.1.,.1, I g;;;; I ¤¢·¤¤¤=¤- I . I = 1 I I · I ‘ 1 I ‘ , I I I I l ' l _ I l . l '’-.- ..` l 5 I Totals,. g 1 I I i.——“— - > ‘- —`ii _ 4*;;-7 E * When more than one sheet is required lor the entry of the parcels sent by the mail, it will be suf- 1 dcient il the undermenlioned particulars are entered on the last sheet of the Parcel Bill. l l lbs. ‘ Total number ul parcels sent by the Total weight of mail . . i mail .. Deduct weight of revepmcles . . Number of boxes nr other receptacles —-—— ‘ forming the mail ,. Nel weight of parcels ... , .._,. l signature of dispatching mliccr at United , States Post—Orlice; { { .. Sigrgitum of receiving officer at Uruguay Post- I ies:

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