Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/849

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2008 BOUNDARY CONVENTION-GREAT BRITAIN. Amin 11, 1908. waterways as well as on land, was charted and marked on maps by said Commissioners under the provisions of Article VI above re erred to, and the nationality of the respective islands in the St. John River was determined by them, as appears from the joint report filed by said Commissioners dated June 28, 1847, and the series of maps signed b said Commissioners and filed with their joint report; and whereas the portion of the line through said waterways has not since been monumented or marked along its course b joint action of the two Governments, and the monuments placedy by said Commissioners along the land portion of said boundary require repairing and renewing where such work has not already been done in recent years, and additional or supplementary intermediate monuments at convenient points are required under modern conditions: therefore, in order to carry on and complete the work already undertaken as aforesaid, and to reestablish the location of said boundary and render thepoughhy eifsctive the demarcation of the said boundary as existent an esta ishe , m@t¤:i’¤:¤;<;¤¤¤;¤;uQ It is agreed that each of the High Contracting Parties shall apmcuu. " point, without delay, an expert geographer or surveyor as a Commissioner, and under the joint direction of such Commissioners the lost or damaged boundary monuments shall be relocated and repaired, and additional monuments and bonmdary marks shall be established wherever necessary in the judgment of the Commissioners to meet the requirements of modern conditions along the course of the land portion of said boundary, and where the said boundary runs throu h waterways it shall be marked along its course, so far as practicabIe, by buoys and monuments in the water and by permanent ranges established on the land, and in such other way and at such points as in the judgment of the Commissioners it is desirable that the boimdary be so marked; and it is further agreed that the course of the en- ,,,1,,,,,, T,,,¤g_,,p_ tire boundary, as described in Article I of the Treaty` of 1842 and as 31%% www laid down as aforesaid under Article VI of that reaty, shall be ' marked b said Commissioners upon quadruplicate sets of accurate modern charts prepared or adopted by them for that urpose, and that said charts so marked shall be certified and signed by them and two duplicate originals thereof shall be filed with each Government, and said Commissioners shall also prepare in duplicate and file with ,,,,,0,,, in dup];. each Government a joint report or reports describing in detail the ¤¤*¤·**¤- course of the boundary so marked by them, and the character and locagon of the several monuments and boundary marks and ranges mar °n it. b0f’,$,g},'Q;'{‘,f,Qf’“ °* The IIne so defined and laid down shall be taken and deemed to be the international boundary as defined and laid down under Articles I and VI of the said Treaty of 1842. _ Airricnn IV. The boundary from its intersection with the St. Laaoren-ce River to the mouth of Pigeon River. m§Bgggjg”w'{Qg‘ gy The High Contracting Parties agree that the existing International 11;\¤g·¢lm%¤¤Ol$i~1_•;’;·e(;I<;Vi’a_terways Commission, constituted by concurrent action of the sim. United States and the Dominion of Canada and composed of three Commissioners on the part of the United States and three Commissioners on the part of the Dominion of Canada, is hereby authorized tnmpsjgziggt, and empowered to ascertain and reestablish accurately the location ° ‘$;,§,;,‘T,.,,,m,, ,3,, of the international boundary line beginning at the point of its inter-

    • 68*9- section with the St. Lawrence River near the forty—Iifth parallel of

north latitude, as determined under Articles I and VI of the Treaty of August 9, 1842, between the United States and Great Britain, and