Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1000

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976 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 192. 1911. SOUTHEAST SECTION SCHEDULE (except Thirteenth Street from Pennsvlvania Avenue to Potomac Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue from Thirteenth to Fifteenth streets) : Nineteen thousand two hundred dollars. NORTHEAST SECTION soHnDULE: Thirty thousand eight hundred dollars. img? and with Provided, That streets and avenues named in said schedules né1g1aaafi>ek¤,ez¤. already paved with Belgian block or granite shall not be paved or otherwise improved under this appropriation, and the remaining streets and avenues, except as herein specified, shall be contracte for in the order in which they appear in said schedules, and be completed in such order as nearly as practicable, and shall be paved, in the discretion of the commissioners, instead of being graded and regplated. _ _ _ _ Y;L¤§;né¤* asphalt nder appropriations contained in this Act no contract shall be pm made for making or relaying asphalt pavement at a higher price than one dollar and eighty cents per s uare yard for a uality equal to the best laid in the District of Columlliia prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with same depth of base, nor more than one dollar and eighty cents per sqlpare yard for laying standard asphalt block pavement equa to the best laid in the !l)istrict of {;1',f{§1‘;ga,,°wed Columbia prior to July first, nineteen hundred and four: Provided, 4 That these conditions as to price and depth of base shall not apply to those streets on which, in the judgment of the commissioners, by reason of heavy traffic, poor foundation, or other causes, a pavement of more than ordinary strength is required, in which case the limit of rice may be increased to two dollars per square yard. grgglgkgegfogg gigligi For removing granite block and repavingx with asphalt E Street xw. noiithwest from Eleventh Street to Thirteent Street, seven thousand dollars. Gridifég .*2* For radinv and im rovin Seventeenth Street northwest from B mmm! `t fw" Street io E Street, fouliteen Fhousand dollars. m{j;;',{“;;;$c,{;*§‘w'F“· For purchase or condemnation of necessary land, paving, and comwemig. construction of walls, ste s, and terraces for connecting Belmont and Fifteenth Streets nortliwest, in accordance with plans a proved byuthe Conimissioners of the District of Columbia, eight tffousand dollars. ·*¤¤·*i··¢· Gaxmnc srmsms, Ar.1.1¤:rs, AND ROADSZ For labor and for the mrchase and. repair of cars, carts tools, or the hire of the same, and horses, and the inmates of the Vllashington Asvlum may be used in connection with this work, fifteen thousand dollars. "**""°”"‘*"l°"· (`ONDEMNATION or srmznrs, ROADS, AND ALLEYS: For purchase or condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, when authorized by law, _ _ one thousand dollars. iiffiliiiiiffiifli CONSTRUCTION or COUNTY ROADS2 For construction of county roads and suburban streets, to be disbursed and accounted for as "Construction of county roads and suburban streets," and for that purpose it shall constitute one fund, as follows: Northeast. Rhode Island Avenue extended, from end of macadam on south side to South Dakota Avenue, grade and improve, nine thousand dollars: Northwest. Butternut Street, Georgia Avenue to Fifth Street, and Sixth Street from Butternut Street to Cedar Street, and Fifth Street from Butternut Street to Cedar Street, grade and improve, eight thousand two hundred dollars; Southeast. Streets in Anacostia, grade and improve, three thousand dollars; Northeast. Seventeenth Street, Rosedale Street to Benning Road, improve, four thousand five hundred dollars; `orthwest. Mount Pleasant Street, Sixteenth Street to Park Road, grade and improve, twelve thousand dollars;