Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1006

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982 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 192. 1911. dred and sixty dollars; four repair men, at nine hundred dollars each; three telephone 0 erators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two laborers, at ibur hundred dollars each; electrical inspector, two thousand dollars; electrical inspector, one thousand eig t hundred dollars; electrical inspector, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; cable s licer, one thousand two hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand four {hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars each; clerk, one thousand and fifty _ dollars; clerk, seven -hundred and fifty dollars; assistant cable slprhcer, six hundred and twenty dollars; assistant repair man, six hun ed and twenty dollars; two assistant re air men, at five hundred and forty dollars each; two laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; laborer, four hundred and sixty dollars; four telephone operators, at five hundred and forty dollars each; telephone operator, four hundred and fiftgcdollars ; storekeeper, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; la rer, six hundred and thirtg dollars; in all, forty-six thousand four hundred and ninety-five dollars. 8¤m>¤i¤¤· For general supplies, repairs, new batteries, and battery sup lies . telephone rental and purchase, wire for extension of the telegra li,and tele hone service, repairs of lines and instruments, purchase oi) poles toolii, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, ice, record books, stationery, printing, livery, horses and harness, washing blacksmithing, forage, extra labor, new boxes, rent of storeroom, and other necessary items, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. ",g’f,•_lF{“*"'"“““°" For placing wires of fire-alarm, telegraph, police—patrol, and telephone service underground in conduits, including cost of cables, terminal boxes, and posts, connections to and between existing conduits, manholes, handholes, posts for tire-alarm and lice boxes, extra labor, and other necessary items, seven thousand dldllars, to be immediately available. t__1;e1¤¤¤-r·¢r¤1 ¤¥¤· For extension of police—patr0l system, including purchase of new boxes, purchase and erection of the necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, extra labor, and other necessartv items, three thousand dollars. ¤s¤¤¤s- Lronrme: or the purchase, installation, and maintenance of public lamps, lamp-posts, street designations, lanterns, and fixtures of all kinds on streets, avenues, roads, alleys, and public spaces, and A11 ¢¤r>¤¤•¤•· for all necessary expenses in connection therewith, including rental of stables and storerooms, this sum to be expended in accordance with PM r»·1¤¤W- the provisions of section seven of this Act and other laws applicable thereto, three hundred and ninety-five thousand dollars. Preeegim Electric The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are empowered to ‘§,f§§,.,,,‘§’g,,, M m effect a settlement for are lighting under the existing contract with ¤s1¤¢<=¤¤¤’·¢*~ the Potomac Electric Power Company from the date of said contract to the date of approval of this Act and report the same to Congress. mgcshington Aqua- mmceumee. For operation, including salaries of all necessa employees ‘ - tenance, and repair of the Washington Aquedutivlind gs zccesddlrfiiiers ~ including Conduit road, the McMillan Park reservoir, and Washington _Aqueduct tunnel, and also including the urchase and maintenance of one motor truck, horses, vehicles, and lharness, and the care and maintenance of the stable, thirty-three thousand dollars. mmm P,m,_ For care, including salaries of all necessary em levees, maintenance and operation of the `Washington Aqueduct, Bistrict of Columbia, nltration plant, ain? the plantdfor the preliminary treatment of the; water supp r, an or eac an eve u se c ‘ ninety-one thousand dollars. ry P rpo Omwcmd thm-ewith'