Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1026

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1002 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 192. 1911. hundred and sixty dollars; maintenance, four thousand dollars; in 'all, five thousand nine hundred and twentiy dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners o the District of Columbia; and ex-soldiers and sailors of the S§an1sh war and the war with Mexico shall also be admitted to the ome. _ 1,,%*,1*** md H°*P For the care and maintenance of women and children under a con- °°' tract to be made with the Florence Crittenton Hope and Help Mission s by the Board of Charities, maintenance, three thousand dollars. gpm 0* *¤<”¢¤¤*‘ Hosrrran ron rua Insane: For support of the mdigent msane of °` the District of Columbia in the Government Hospital or the Insane in said District as rovided by law, three hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundlred dollars. _

 “°°*°=*· For deportation from the District of Columbia of nonresident insane

Vo1.w,p.81l. persons, m accordance with the Act of Con§ress *‘to change the proceedings for admission to the Govemment ospital for the Insane in certain cases, and for other purposes," approved January thirty·iirst, ` eiggtieen hundredhalpod 1£ine;ty-nine, three Qguggrid dollarshi advmcuwvcnsd atin n'¤te orego` sumt urs` officerof the °‘°""'°“‘ District of Columbia is authorildlegl to advance to ltllii secretary of the Board of Charities, upon requisitions reviously approved by the auditor of the District o Columbia,- andp upon such security as the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may require of said secretary, sums of money not exceeding three hundred dollars at one time, to be used only for deportation from the District of nonresident insane persons, and to be accounted for month] on itemized vouchers ‘ to the accounting officers of the District of Coliimbia. mmeemepeu. Rmxmr or rms room For relief of the oor, including ay of physicians to the (poor at not exceeding one dldllar per day each, who shall be appoints by the Commissioners of the District of ·Columbia do of on ,1%}:2 recommendation of the hea]l?th officer, twelve thousand dollars. 1‘r¤¤¤¤<>¤¤ ¤ Nsronrsrrox or Paurmnsz or transportation of au rs three p°°°°”' the;-psand lglorlhlars. f P P0 , P~viw· 1’0’l}’td· e , at no art 0 any appropriation contained in this Act u¤lli°m!li°$iliy iiiiziiill or of any appropriatibn heretofordqfnage shall be expended for any {$m1,§_°’ °‘ “°“°‘ gurpose whatsoever for a reformatory or as lum or workhouse in the tate of Virginia or Maryland, within a radius of ten miles of Mount Vernon, except the one now located at Occoquan, Virginia. &<:·gl¤¤g·x¢· Wommousn: For the following p A oses in connection with v¤ vii. removal of ]_&Il' and workhouse prisonerlsuflrom the District of Columbm to the site acquired for a workhouse in the State of Virginia, in ‘ accordance with the provisions of existing law, including su erintendence, custody, clothing, guarding, mamtenance, care, ami) support of said prisoners; subsistence, furniture, and quarters for guards and other employees and inmates; the purchase and maintenance of farm imp ements, live stock, seeds, and miscellaneous items, tools and equipment; transportation and the means of transportation; the maintenance and 0 ration of the means of transportation; and supplies and personalle services, and all other necessa 1tems,_ one hundred and nmetly;-three thousand dollars, of whigh %»;,;e». dpmm- sum eigliify thousand dollars s all be immediately available: Pro- ,,,,,,,,,,,§§¤_ vided, at the supreme court of the District of Columbia, the Attorney General, and the warden of the District of Columbia Jail, when so re3uested_by the Commisioners of the District of Columbia, shall eliver mto the custody of the superintendent or the authorized deputy or deputies of said superintendent of said work.

 mgle and female {prisoners septenced to confinement in said

ja or o enses against the common aw or agams` t statu o or '- Oggvgggggggg nances relating to the District of Columbia, and, in thdedisszlretildln wenmze of the supreme court of the District of Columbia and the Attorney General, male and female prisoners serving sentence in said jail for