Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1028

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1004 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crr. 192: 1911. of Columbia, and in relation to the making of rules for the government and discipline of the prisoners confined in the jail, are hereby transferred to and vested in the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, who shall also have the authority heretofore vested in the warden to appoint subordinate officers, guards, and employees, without the a proval of the chief justice 0 the supreme court of sneer pmaum. the District of) Columbia: Provided further, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized, under such regulations as they may prescribe, to sell to the various departmentsand institutions of the government of the District of Columbia the swipe,. products of said workhouse, and all moneys derived from such sales shall be paid into the Treasury, one—half to the credit of the United States and one·half to the credit of the District of Columbia. m“*’·· _ MILITIA OF THE DISTRICT or COLUMBIA. K¤P°¤¤°¤· For the following, to be expended under the authority and direction of the commanding general, who is hereby authorized and empowered to make necessary contracts and leases, namely: °¤¤v¤· ¢*°· For expenses of camps, including hire of horses for officers required - to be mounted, and such hire not to be deducted from their mounted pay, instruction, lpractice marches and practice cruises, drills, and parades, rent, fue , light, heat, care, and repair- of armories, ractice ships, boats, machinery, and dock, dred `ng alongside ol; dock, _ telephone service, and for general incidentafl expenses of the service, foréy-eight thousand dollars. or lockers, furniture, and gymnastic apparatus for armories, one thousand dollars. ’ mggf stationery, and postage, two thousand one hundred For cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and e uipments, and contingent expenses, two thousand two hundred andififty dollars. For custodian in charge of United States property and storerooms, one thousand dollars For clerk, office oft the adjutant general, one thousand dollars. For expenses of target practice and matches, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. _ ’*¥· For pay of troops, other than Government employees, to be disbursed under the authorit and direction of the commanding general, Qjmm M lm twenty-four thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter al mo¤0_YS erpmpmy. collected on account of deductions made from the pay of any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard of the District of Columbia on account of Government pro erty lost or destroyed by such individual shall be repaid into theglnited States Treasury to the credit of the officer of the Militia of the District of Columbia who is accountable to the United States Government for such propert lost or 0¤¢¢¤’ ¤¤<>¤¤¤s- destroyed: Provided further, That there may be ard to allycommlssroned officers (without discrimination, and in lieu of the limited pay authorized by this section) an allowance to be used by them _ m the purchase and mamtenance of clothin and equipment: gd°,;‘§;j‘e§‘c‘f°'· '°“““‘ Provide further, That hereafter all moneys coldected on account of deductions made from the pay of an oiHcer or enlisted man of the National Guard of the District of Columbia for or on account of any violation of the regulations governing said national guard, and a 1 moneys which, by reason of the absence of officers or enlisted men from duly ordered assemblies or other duty, are not expended forpay of troo§;, shall be held by the commanding general of the Militia of the istrict of Columbia, who is authorized to expend such moneys for necessary clerical and general ex enses of the service, heretofore or hereafter incurred, including law books and books of