Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/107

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. 83 States. Whenever the President shall be satisfied that the conditions mxmm °° m“**‘ which led to the issuance of the proclamation hereinbefore author- ` ized no longer exist, he shall issue a proclamation to this effect, and ninety days thereafter the provisions of the maximum tariff shall be alpplied to the importation of articles from such countgy. Whenever ’*P°“°‘“°“· t e provisions of the maximum tariff of the United tates shall be applicable to`articles imported from any foreign country they shall be applicable to the products of such country, whether imported directly from the country of production or otherwise. To secure information m}f)m¤g};’,{g$l°w”°“” to assist the President in the discharge of the duties imposed upon Poe, pp. -119, vm, him by this section, and the officers of the Govemment in the admin- mi" istration of the customs laws, the President is hereby authorized to eméiloy such persons as may be required. _ no. 3. That nothing in this Act contained shall be so construed ,,§‘{§{‘,,'f,t,,,§Y°""°°"’ as to abrogate or in any manner impair or affect the provisions of V0, 33 3 2116 the treaty of commercial reciprocity concluded between the United'p°' ’ ` States and the Republic of Cuba on the eleventh da of December, nineteen hundred and two, or the provisions of the Act of Congress heretofore 'f}8.SS9d for the execution of the same. Sec. 4. hat the President shall have power and it shall be his dut ,_y;,,Fi°,Y,_{‘,T,,"§.°,'{;,‘{‘tZ,"‘,'.'}‘{,2 to give notice, within ten days after the passage of this Act, to ah ,*§g,'§i¤**€d= ”°’“*°* foreign countries with which commercial agreements in conformity ` with the authority granted by section three of the Act entitled, "An v°l° °°' P' m' Act to provide revenue for the Government and to encourage the industries of the United States," approved July twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, have been or shall have been entered into, of the intention of the United States to terminate such agreement at a time specified in such notice, which time shall in no case, except as hereinafter provided, be longer than the period of · time specified in such agreements respective y for notice for their termination; and upon the expiration of the periods when such mm °‘°'°"‘°°" notice of termination shall become effective the suscpension of duties provided for in such agreements shall be revoke , and thereafter importations from said countries shall be subject to no other conditions or rates of duty than those prescribed by this Act and suchother Acts of Congress as may be continued in force: Provided, That until §°,',§;°Q° commu, the expiration of the period when the notice of intention to termi- ¤¤u1m·m¤¤¤¤¤¤· nate hereinbefore provided for shall have become effective, or until such date rior thereto as the high contracting parties may bly mutual consent select, the terms of said commercial agreements shall remain in force: And provided further, That in the case of those commercial quY,,§§f° “° "°“°"°" a eements or arrangements made in accordance with the provisions ogrsection three of the tariff Act of the United States approved July twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, which contain no stipulations m regard to their termination by diplomatic action, the President is authorized to give to the governments concerned a notice of termination of six months, which notice shall date from April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine. _ _ Sec. 5. That there shall be levied, collected, and paidu on all }’§,}},¥;§°§uI§§§§{’*t0 articles coming into the United States from the Philippine Islands regular dutiesthe rates of duty which are required to be levied, collected, and aid _ upon like articles imlported from foreggn countries: Provided, 'lphat, §’,f§’§.'§‘;;,0duc,,, ex_ exceipt as otherwise ereinafter lprovided, all articles, the growth or wvm pro act of or manufactured in the Philippine Islands from materials the growth or product of the Philippine Is ands or of the United States, or o both, or which do not contain foreign materials to the value of more than twenty per centum of their total value, upon which no drawback of customs duties has been allowed therein, coming into the United States from the Philippine Islands shall hereafter be Ex admitted free of duty, except rice, and except, in any fiscal year,