Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1076

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1052 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 209. 1911. f_.’;Q’“g’·A Rum], hundred and three dollars and twenty-seven cents: Provided, That Wlgo- teéfng wm; pot todezpceedhone hundred tihousgnd cpollprs off gllgis supi may '°, _' e c or the improvemen an pro ec 10n 0 e wa er su - supply em l ualnd for the im rovement of the grounds of the Fort D. Y P . . . .l)Zussell target and maneuver reservation, Wyomivxég, and that from the sumdhereby appropriated tlge Secreliiary of ag is aqthorized, in his iscretion, to acquire y_purc ase or con ernna ion proceedingp certain tracts of landlrequiredlflqp tlpe rlplplneuvppplig og troops J and other military u oses, 'ng wit the 1tS o e a oresai {gr: 8**;*;;; reservation: Promllpedyilrther, llhat not to exceed seventeen thousand mppiy. K two hundred dollars 0 this sum may be used for the protection of the water su l of Fort Meade, South Dakota, and that from the sum PP Y . . . . . hereby appropriated the Secretary of War is authorized ·1I1 his discretion, to acquire by pupcpase cir copgemnqgnorh pfdoceedéngskongoang · one—quarter sections 0 and ocat on ea ans ree , ut Dakota. glggag md Pm CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE or mznrraar Arm POST Roms, mg.}, gab 616 mzmens, AND mans, ALAsd1§A:bFor the coréstruclgon anpll mgigtenanceé · *· · of military and post roa ri es an tra` inte `tricto ` Alaska, to be expended unddr theddirdction of the board of road commissioners described m section two_0f an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the establishment and mlsiingnligance og splholqls, ang phe cage and support of insane rsons in the trict 0 as a, an or other purposes, ’ a proved goanuary twenty-seventh nineteen hundred and Eve and) to be _ expended conformably to, the provisions of said Act, onelhundred and fifty-thpiusanjl dollxlpls, to lfemam available until theilplltose of the fiscal HMM- ear en ing une t 'rtiet nineteen undred and theen: Provided »¤E·?li¤°dm(£°?tii§i1¤i°iiis’;°l"hat hereafter the Secretizry of War may, in his discretion, assi , ”*‘{§:’f“· suitable retired officerspf the Aripy to active duty as members of tig vol 33, p- M board of rpaill commissioner? for ind in the case of any officer so assigne t c rovisionso so muc o theAct of Congress a roved April twenty-tli)i.rd, nineteen hundred and four, entitled "lAIii Act ‘ making appropriations for the support of the Armgy for the fiscal year ending Jpne thprt1eth,_n1;l1eteen undred and ve, and for other purposes, ’ as re ates to the assignment of retired officers to active dut shall apply. · lI;i»·1r2=i;tp:{1s(}¤$__ Byamzacxs AND QUARTERS, PHILIPPINE ISLANDSZ Continuing the xm. work of providing for the profper shelter and protection of officers and enlisted men of the Army 0 the United States lawfully on duty in the Philippine Islands, including repairs and payment of rents, the gplqluisition of title to buildintg sites, and such additions to existing ` °tary reservations as may e necessary and includin is h lt for the animals and supplies, and all other buildings iiezesgdir; fd; ,’§Q,°§{·’;’;§)u°,, an Ip?$;da%'p111pmtrat1§; pprposles, sii hnfndlredh thousand dollars: Pro- ¤¤<>¤¤¢ r <>¢¤<=¤r¤’ a no p 0 said suc uncre t ousa d d ll h ll b °°°"°"‘ - expended for the construction of quarters for oiiilcersoofutshd gimyi %-ztotal ccpsglpf whichilippludingi the heating and plumbing apparatusi ‘ 'ng an tures, s a excec in the case of uarte f oflicer the sum of twelve thousand dollars; of a cdlonel di d)iii<?e1g(;Ib?>1i?e gig raplk of ciptsgm, tten thousialpd doll;u;1s;Hand of an officer of and _ ow e ran 0 cap am, six thousand dollars. m‘Q°**;;§isgg° {gy; Grqrnmc, Asn canr AND oaamsoiv aourracsz For cloth, woolens, me- materials, and for the manufacture of clothing for the Armv, for issue and for sale at cost price according to the Army regulations; for altering and fifting clotlnng and washin and cleaning, when necesgary; for eqmpage, and for_ expenses ofg packing and handling and° s1m1lar_ necessaries; for a smut of citizen’s outer clothing, to cost notl

 ten dollars, to be issued eppon release from confinement tol

each prisoner who has been confin under a court-martial sentence,