Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1090

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1066 SIXTY·FIRST ooivenuss. Sess. III. cn. 210. 1911. M·>¤¤·¤¤~ MONTANA. cyF°*° Belmv A8°¤· Sec. 9. For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Belknag msipaggo 1:, etc., or Aglency, Montana, including pay of employees, fifteen thousan dollars. ¥"¤*h¢•·¤ A8*>¤¤Y- For su port and civilization of Indians at Flathead Agency Monm °"1 ew" °f tana, inclixding pag of employees, nine thousand dollars. , {ff {gil; tsgmgi For support an civilization of the Indians at Fort Peck Agency, mgidis. “Montana, inc_luding pay of employees, thirty-five thousand dollars. ,,,§,',§_"°"‘“‘*"‘°°°" For the Milk River irrigation system on the Fort Belknap Reseri¤isv·ti<>¤- vation, in Montana,_fifteen_thousand dollars: Prmnkled, That the pornepmieut. tion of] th'; cost of tlps lprobect péiig from public fuptds s;hall be repaid into the reasury o the nit _ tates asandw en unds may e digiwgege ¤e¤ ¤¤ available therefor: Prqmkledfurther, That in the event any allottee shall receive a patent m fee to an allotment of land ungated under this project, be ore the United States shall_ have been wholly reim- , bursed as herein provided then the proportionate cost of the proilect to be apportioned equitably by the Secretary of the Interior, s all become a first hen on such allotment, and the fact of such lien shall ple repited cinfthafatcle of each Kptlent fleie issilred and thi aaiount gf e en se or ereon w c said en owever s t enforced so long as the original allottee or’his heirs ,shal]l aiiguall; sausswum. occupy the allotment as a homestead, and the receipt of the Secretary of the Interior, or of the officer, agent, or em loyee duly author-

 by him for that purpose, for the paiyment of the amount assessed

ggauinlst any gllotrpeéit gs herim provided lshall, when duly recorded y the recor er_o ee s in the county w erein the land is located, operate as a satisfaction of such lien. Flathead Reserve- For the construction of ° ation s stem t IIT],. ', t th H tt d . migésgauen. lands of the Indians of the F athead Iieseriration, lllontéaiia? aiid the unallotted irrigable lands to be disposed of under authority of g3,w&13;:lud11'1g1i;;1<ilD6C8SS8Py surveys, plans, and estimates, four hunre thousand dollars. ¤é§}jf°k*f€* ;;°“’°‘ _ Fei; cplntmffixtitg Sninsiarucgipln cif (iiirst u1;itthofBiirri§tion system to gnseuou z¤· 1rr1ga_e eao e an so e nianso e tI d` R - .,,;,r·¤*·¤°*~*¤¤ ’*"* B1-mm m iimam and the unallotted amgebie liildsio 1; iigposih of under authority of law, includmlg the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ' §_2[ggg,ng,m,y_ For fulfilling treaties with Crows, Montana: For pay of physician, ’ one thousand two hundred dollars, and for pay of c enter miller 101.15.p. cna en;ii.neer,1far1h1er,lancllblacksmitfi (article ten, treaty :llpMay seventh; eng iteen nun re an sixty-cig it t 1ree thou and h d d d 1. lays; for pay of second blacksrnitli (article eight, ssgie ti·I¢=iat‘;), 0218 N h Ch thousand two hundred dollars, in all, six thousand dollars. mugs? ern ev- For Subsistence and C1VlllZ&].i:l0I`l (agreement with the Sioux Indians, s,·;n;s;·;e;c;56et¤. approved February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy- ‘· seven), including subsistence and civilization of Northern Cheyennes Ph ic. etc ;§1;i\p;;]chf5cg§1?aI"S1u? lliglig; (Afge£cy_ to Totngui Riyler, Montana, ninety ¤ ,¤¤¤· · · o ysician wo _ 1; · . v°{I°·*"°°°" one miller, two iarmers, a blacksmitli, and iarizgiillcizr lvaitiglgtsldtifdii treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), nine thou; _ nl sand dollars ;· in all, ninety-ninethousand dollars. m§;·Sr}pr¤¤s me For the employment of " hne I'1dB1`S" along the southern and eastern boundames of the l\orthern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, one thousand five hundred dollars. §‘;§}n°§§tL§§;"ed In the issuance of patents for all tracts of land borderin u n Flat,. . g my mm power. head Lake, Montana, 1t shall be incorporated in the atent that "thig conveyance is subject to an easement of one hundred linear feet back from a_ contour of elevation nine feet above the hi h-water mark of the year nineteen hundred and nine of Flathead Laie, to remain in the Government for purposes connected with the development of water power.