Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/110

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86 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. or package,-no delivery of the same shall be made to the importer until the mark, starlpip, brand, or label, as the case may be, shall be _ changed so as to co orm to the facts of the case. R°‘“'°'“°"" 'ghegSuicretary of the Trea?r_y; shall prescribe the necessary rules an re ations to carry out the oregoing provision. ‘ Punishmentfurfalse · king, _ _S1•:o. 8. If an person shall fraudulently violate any of the promr ‘ ew visions of this get relating to the marking, stamping branding or labeling of any imported articles or packages; or shall fraudulently deface, destroy remove, alter, or obhterate any such marks, stamps, brands, or labels with intent to conceal the mformatron ven b or contained in such marks stamps br nds or 1 bels h gsh ll y a a , e a u on conviction be fined in any sum ndt exceeding five thousand dolliirs, or be imprisoned for any time not exceeding-(pne year, or both. bézmgiyé ¤§¢°¤,g U Era; all perspnsare prohibited bm importing into hphe em re _ semen, D1 a _ s om any orergn country anyo scene oo , am t E;’,{,‘§}§,:,§§f*°“· °‘°·· pa}per, writing, advertisement, circular, print, picture, drlawirig, (bi R.B.,sec.2491, p, aw. other representation, iigure, or image on or of paper or other material, V°l·"°·P·""’· or an east, instrument, or other article of an immoral nature, or any ding or medrcme, or any article whatever for the prevention of conception or for causing unlawful abortion, or any lottery ticket may not mower. or any advertisement of any lottery. No such articles, whether

 sepammlyaplrbeonganlined in packages with other goods

en it to ent , s e a 'tted to ent · and all such articles

hall be roceridled against seized and forlfiiited b d e f

1>am¤¤u,¤¤=· law. such prohibited irrticles’and the lpaekagii inuwliiizlhmsheyy ag; contpmed m the réourse ofdimportaigzion s all behdetained by! the o cer o _ ms an procee 1DgS then against the same as ere-

  • u;afteS1£ prpgsrigbpckilunliss 1t appgarp to thisatiséactioii of th; collector

0 cu o a eo scenea rcesconame t · inclosed therein without the knowledge or consialirt df Eli; iiirfiirtiovri/vt(iaIi·(: Qrfjggh bulk- owner, agent, or cons1gnee:_Pr0vrded, That the drugs hereinbefore mentioned], Wllégl irmportedmmdbulk and noté put up for any of the purposes erem e ore spec e , are excepte from the operation of this section. ,_f{§“‘·"*‘“‘°“‘ Q3? °‘“‘ Sec. 10. That whoever being an office a t 1 f th r.g,,;;f;€1j;,_ "‘* G., of the need sae., starr i2..$§?..g$ §?.}”0$’§§6‘£ .m§ pegston engages, in any vrrcglatrontpf pny of thelpgovisions of law pro- 1 ring rmpo mg ar ve rsing ea mv in `f d' receiving by mail cibscene or indecent p'i1blib:§di1sidiigegseggnltdggngf or' means for preventing conceptron or rocuring abortion or other articles of mdecent or immoral use or tendency shall be deeriied guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall for every offense he punishable by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor for not more than ten years, or both. mBrr<;ctgeas¤g¤ro:mu· $1;;;, 11. That any ]udge of any district or circuit court, of the ver, go, ,,209, United States, wrthm the proper istrict, before whom com laint in ' writing of any violation of the two precedin sections is madii to the ppgsfaciggp of such jufdge, and founded on knowledge or belief, and pon 1eH,i setting orth the grounds of such belre , and supported by oath or a rmatron of the complamant, may issue, conformably to the Constitution, a warrant directed to the marshal or any deputy marshal in the proper district, directing him to search for seize and take gossessron of any such article or thing mentioned the two prece ing sectrons, and to make due and immediate return thereof to the end that the same may be condemned and destroyed by proceedings, which shall be conducted in the same manner as other proceedrngs rn the case of mumcrpal seizure, and with the same right of that came and appeal or rvrpt of error. _ l hm, ,,,0,,%,,,,, W Ec. 12. hat the_1mportation_ of neat cattle and the hides of neat

    • F· cattle from any forergn country rnto the United States is prohibited: