Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1170

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1146 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 231. 1911.

  • "”°""°-. ._ ance herewith: Provided That where orders for the takine of further

mgiiiiiplemu of wm testimonfy before a referee have been made in any of such cases, the taking 0 such testimony shall be completed before such certification. Ofggggtmmxg Sec. 198. If the importer, owner, consgee, or agent of any HYI- Anw. pnvv. ported merchandise, 011; tlhedcollectorforil Bretzryf pfthe ifieasury, shall be dissatisfied wit the ecision 0 the oar o enera pprarsers as to the construction of the law and the facts respecting the classification of such merchandise and the rate of duty imdposed thereon _ under such classification, or with any other appeala le ecrsron of said T""°"”°°‘ board, they, {pr either of thtpgm, may, wiithm srixty dagés next faftter gre entry of suc decree or `u ment an not a terwar s app y 0 re Court of Customs Appealls for a reviiew of the Rpestions law and fact f’,fI'@’·m_ involved in such decision ; Provided, That 111 aska_ and rn the msular ` and other outside possessions of the United States ninety days shall be _ allowed for making such application_to the Court of Customs Appeals. A”u°°"°”‘ °`°' Such application s all be made by filing in the office of the_clerk of said ` court a concise statement of errors of law and fact complained of ; and a copy of such statement shall be served on the collector, or on the ¤§¤•g{§I;egf°·· ”° '°° importer., owner, consignee, or agent, as the case may be. Thereupon the court shall immediately order the Board of General Appraisers to transmit to said court the record and evidence taken bg them, totgether with the certified statement of the facts involved in the case an their dlecision thereon; and ag the elygpence talkgrg by and before said board I I s all be competent evi ence ore said urt of Customs Ap als. m"‘m’°f °°' The decisgprlr of said Ciorért of Custipms Appeals shall be final, ancifuch cause sha e reman e to said oard 0 General Appraisers for further proceedings to taken inpursuance of such determination. °"°“"“· Sec. 199. Immediately upon receipt of arg record transmitted to _ said court for determination the clerk thereof all place the same u on H°"“‘g“‘ the calendar for hearing and submission; and such calendar shall)be Hom called and all cases thereutpon submitted, except for good cause shown, July mis August. at least once every sixty ays: Provided, That such calendar need not be called during the months of July and August of any year. °l‘°¥"°' °· Cnavrnn NINE. . "°‘”’“°’°° °°“"· rnn oommnncn connr. sec. sw. 200, Commerce Court created; judges of, 209. Jurisdiction of the court, how inappointment and designation; ex- voked; dpractice and procedure. (pense allowance to yu ges. _ 210. Final ju gments and decrees re- 201, A ditronail circuit Judges; appoint- 211 S viewabgz in Suprenie Court. ment an assrgnmen . · . uits to e against 'nited States; 202. Officers of the court; clerk, marshal, I when United States may inter— t .; l , bc. I . 203. Coin? td2l>;Jdl:i’va%s open for business; I 212. Atxtdildey General to control all cases; sessions oi, tohe held in Washing- I Interstate Commerce Commission tnan ewer. fh; '- 204. Magshals tg iirovidg r00ms_for hold- i:?ds;eIdp;adyairilerr?e1ie,I;2ilci1€s m ing court outside of Washmgton. 213. Complainants may appear and be 205. Assignment of jud es to other duty; made parties to case. vacancies, how glled. 214. Pending cases to be transferred 206. Powers of court and judges; writs, to Commerce Court; exception; process, procedure, etc. status of transferred cases. 207. Jurisdiction of the court. 208. Suits to enjoin, etc., orders of Interstate Commerce Commission to be against United States; restraining orders, when granted without notice. c,?§,,{’§,'}§l§,,_°* °" Sec. 200. There shall be a_c0ul‘l& of the United States, to be known ·*"’·’· P· M- as the Commerce Court, which shall be a court of record, and shall have a seal of such form and sgyle as_ the court may prescribe. The _ _ said court shall be com(posed o live judges, to be rom time to time ¤¢¤¤s¤¤*·¤¤· designated and assigns thereto by the Chief Justice of the United