Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/119

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SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. 95 error in the said invoice or in the account now produced of the said goods, wares, and merchandise, or receive any other invoice of the same, I will immediately make the same known to the collector of this district. _ UDECLARATION or MANUrAorm2nn on owmcn IN casns wnmzr: ,,,,“§,Q;}“‘“°‘“'°’ °' MEBoHAN1>1sE rms Nor BEEN ACTUALLY PURCHASED. "I, ———— ——-, do solemnly and truly declare that I am the ,,,,°§c°‘?,‘§§,,},‘f" “°‘“‘“’ owner (or manufacturer) of themerchandise described in the annexed entry and invoice; that the entry now delivered b me to the collector of ———— contains a just and true account of all the goods, wares, and merchandise imported by or consigned to me in the -——-—, whereof —-—— —-—— is master, from ————-; that the said goods, wares, and merchandise were not actually bouight by me, or by my agent, in the ordinary} mode of bargain and sa e, but that nevertheless the invoice whic I now produce contains a gust and faithful valuation of the same, at their actual market va ue or wholesale · price, at the time of exportation to the United States, in the principal markets of the country from whence imported for my account (or for account of m elf or partners) ; that such actual market value is the price at whiclslthe merchandise described in the invoice is freel oifered for sale to all urchasers in said markets and is the price which I would have received and was willing to receive for such merchandise sold in the ordinary course of trade III the usual wholesale quantities; that the said invoice contains also a just and faithful account of all the cost of finishing said goods, wares, and merchandise to their present condition, and inc udes and specifies the value of all cartons, cases, crates, boxes, sacks, casks, barrels, hogsheads, bottles, jars, demijohns, carboiys, and other containers or coverings, whether holding liquids or so `ds, which are not otherwise specially subject to duty under any paragraph of the tariff Act, and all other costs and charges incident to placing said goods, wares and merchandise in condition, packed ready or shipgient to the United States, and no other discount, draw ack, or imty, but such as has been actually allowed on the said goods, wares, and merchandise; that the said invoice and the declaration thereon are in all respects tmc, and were made by the person by whom the same purport to have been made; that I do not know nor believe in the existence of any invoice or bill of lading other than those now Hproduced by me, and that they are in the state in which I actua K received them. And I do further solemnly and truly declare t at I have not in the said entry or invoice concealed or suppressed anything whereby the United States may be defrauded of any part of the duty lawfully due on the said oods, wares, and merchandise; and that if at any time hereafter I discover an error in the said invoice, or in the account now produced of the saidy goods, wares and merchandise, or receive any other invoice of the same, I will immediately make the same known to the collcgztor of district. h h H kn I k f IS " Ec. 6. at an erson w o s a owmg° ma e an a e P¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤* *0* statement in the dec}lai·)ations rovided for in the fireceding slzrction, d°°1“°°i°m' or shall aid or procure the mailing of any such false statement as to any matter material thereto, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor not more than two years, or both, in the discretion of the _ court: Provided, That nothinghin this section shall be construed to {.·°§'}}`§`§°..;,,, ,,0, .;. relieve imported merchandise om forfeiture b reason of such false '°°°°**· statement or for any cause elsewhere provided by law. G0 G mb "Sec. 7. That the owner, consignee, or a nt of any imported aaslirwumgltipeiim. merchandise ma , at the time when he shalfa make an verify his "°‘·°°·’·m· written entry ofy such merchandise, but not afterwards, make such