Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1218

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1194 srxrrrrrnsr couennss. sas. III. eu. zer. 1911. fifty-two mornin and evening charwomen, at three hundred dollars each; foreman oi; laborers, nine hundred dollars; four laborers; sev- . enty-five laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; in all, two Liuumicn pn my- hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; and no “‘°““°'“°m°°°’ other fund a propriated b§ this or any other Act shall be used for services, in the Bureau of ngraving and Printmg, of the_character s ined in this paragraph, except in cases of emergency arrsing after thecpassage oglthirls Act, and then only on the written approval of the Secretar of the reas . _ msacm '=‘°”*°° DM Snennir Snnvren Dxroxz Chief, four thousand dollars; assistant °' chief, whoshall discharge the duties of chief clerk, three thousand dollars clerk of class fenr; clerk of class three; two clerks of class two; elierk ofclass one; clerk, one thousand dollars; assmant messenger; in all, sixteen thousand one hundred twzgntjé dellllors. d 0f¤¢¤¤f¥¤=¤¤¤>r¤f Omen or rm: cron or rim : r, ve ousan me Mu"' dollars; examiner, three thousand dollars; computer, two thousand five hundred dollars; assayer, two thousand two hundred dollars; adjuster of accounts, two thousand five hundred dollars; two clerks of class four; rivate secrets , one thousand four hundred dollars; - two clerks of elpass three; two iilerks of class one; messenger; assistant in laborato , one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant messenger; skilledllizborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars;m all, twenty- nine thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. ’1"*¤*¤'¤*· Fo? height °¤ bumml wd win, by fégistered mail or otherwise, between mints and assay offices, fifty thousand dollars. _ · °·>¤**¤¢'¤*”P¤¤••* For contingent expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, to be expended under the direction of the Director, namely: For essay laboratory; chemicals, fuel, materials, balances, weights, and other necessaries, including textbooks on metallurgical processes, six hundred dollars. rn¤¤m1¤auons,ew. For examinations of mints, expense in visiting mints for the purpose of superintending the annua settlements, and for special examinations, t ree thousand five hundred dollars. nookaerc. For books, pamphlets, periodicals, specimens of coins, ores, and incidentals, two hundred dollars. ` ¤f{{_%<;¤¤¤ news For the collection of statistics relative to the annual reduction " ‘ plod CODSUJHHEIOD of the precious metals in the United gtates, one ousan< dollars. ‘ nlmlgyagmépépg Omen or Summon Garvnnu. or Pumas Hmurn Amr Marmm- ` icf. P Hosrrrar. Smnvrcaz Surgeon General, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; three clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; private secrete to the Surgeon General, one thousand eight hundred dolla1s· six clilerks of class two, one of whom shall be translator; seven clerks of class one; three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; messenger; three assistant messengers; two laborers, at iigegdhungredlpndd olrty dollars each; in all, forty thousand nine un r an erg ty dollars. ceuunreutexrenas Conrmerzrrr nxrnnsms, Tnmsunr Dmraamnm: For the followgilg sums, wlglich shall be so apportioned as to prevent deficiencies erem, nam y: sammy. For stationery for the Treasuay Department and its several bureaus m;i;1egx2g;•;h·1e· and offices, fifty thousand dollars, and in addition thereto sums b,,§,,,,,_ gpm °”* amounting to eighty-six thousand one hundred and iiftv dollars shall be deducted from other approplriations made for the fisbal ear nineteen hundred and twelve as fo ows: Contingent expenses, independent Treasury, seven thousand two hundred dollars; contingent expenses, mint at Philadelphia, five hundred dollars; contingent expenses, mint at San Francisco, three hundred dollars; contingent expenses mrnt at Denver, three hundr·ed dollars; contingent expenses, assay office at New York, five hundred dollars; materials and miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, three thou-