Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1230

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1206 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 237. 1911. and twelve, shall not exceed forty-two thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of War shall each year, in the annual estimates, report to Congressdthe nuilnber of persons so employed, their duties, and the amount pai toeac .

  • ”“"' “"‘” ”"' Orr B mu or Insoms Arnms: Law officer four

mm thousalsdg hlgelllliililndrtgl dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; ten clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; nineteen clerks of class one; eighteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two messengers; two assistant messenglers; five laborers; two charwomen; in all, ninety-one thousand dollars.

,,,£}',§; Drvrsrou or Mmua Armms, Omen or mn Cmnr or STAFF:

Hui. For the following now authorized by section twenty of the Act v°]‘°°’°' m' approved bJant§a1·§ twenty-figaatunmeteen hundregl and as d d ct a rov ay twenty-seven mne n undlinegln ahd alight? namellyli Chief clerk, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one messe1Eer; one assistant messenger; two laborers; two 'ghmmwipmen; in , thirty-four thousand one hundred and sixty o . 1¤·¤¤¤·¤•·>¤¤ ¤~ For miscellaneous expenses of the Division of Militia Affairs including stationery, fue , light, furniture telegraph and tele hone service, and necessary printing and binding, three thousand Eve hundred dollars, whic sum, together with the foregoing amount for mu mm mmm salaries, shall be paid from the ent a ro nation for W , _ , P°”P¤¤ PP P _

 under the provisions of section sixteen hundred and sixty-one,

_ Rev1seid‘?tfs1i(t;utes, amended, andfno other or further} surgslghall be e n_ e ni said appropriation or or on account o said 'vision ol‘§1l1t1a Aifarrs dunng the fiscal Qgrar nineteen hundred and twelve. °°¤°”*8°¤*°*P°°¤°•· CoN·rrNesNr sxrmvsms or run AR Dnrairmnxrz For purchase of professional and scientinc books law books including their exc ange; books of reference, blank books, amplilets, periodicals, newspapers (subcscriptignsdto periodicigls may ge £_aid far in adglanoe), maps; ypewri rsan a dmgmac es, mcu their exc ange; furmture and repairs to same·c ts, tf , 11 1 th fil towels, ice, brooms, soap sporigegfpfilel, Iélfs, 1d1ngdl)ie(slt?ing,api.’1:;·£ia.St:i1ss {pg- and repaus to the buildings (outside o the State, War, and Navy partment building? _0ccup1ed by Adyutant Generalls office, the Bureau of Insular A airs, and_the other offices of the War Department and its bureaus located in the Lemon Building; expenses of horses and wagons, to be used only for officialdpurposes; freight and Zzgyérgiighrgrlgses ttgxpgoraw labor not to eng}? pine thousand dollars, ecessa ex t _ sammy. twgeif ;1gnti’op§1·5‘;:pr gh; YIVa.rlDep t and its (bIi1s1§d(31sda)1lldr:fH0w, — v o n dollars. P°‘“‘° “"'“"‘ m lémlfgtgz $t31¤1P;fo§£h%WM Igepartment and its bureaus, as 1* 6 Os mon, - mt ad%ressed1tog’gsi;?(lil1aTnio;1 countries, iikeplliiiliilgeglfcihgisfu matters or ren_ 0 u or use of the War De rt t f ll : Medical disgensary, Sgiilrgeon General’s office, gil; tllliggsiirlid <l)oll)•§‘:; Bigvispgn oft Illltla 1;fl'a1rs, two thousand five hundred dollars; War Hips. men ,seventhousand two hundred dollars; Ad°utantGeneral’s o ce, two thousand three hundred doll · B tl ' t th d h ars, ureau o InsularAfl°a1rS,

 slvrid t$Xi°$¤d$$`Zi°m`&'1‘l$Z$§‘h‘£f1Y.?.“°’ ‘*°""“’ "‘ °"· “"‘°°“ “‘°“‘