Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1264

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1240 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 238. 1911. the alteration of buildings thereon, the inspection work relative to the existence of contagious diseases and the tuberculin and mallein ` testing of animals, five hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred dollars; · _ Admission or u¤k· The Act of August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, is hereby °j{;°',°$,‘fi§fg‘°“f;n‘L°l‘§',{ amended so as to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture, within his hggm P ,,6 discretion, and under such joint regulations as may be prescribed by ` ’ ` the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Treasury, to ‘ . permit the admission of tick-infested cattle from Mexico mto that · part of Texas below the southern cattle quarantine line; QPMN, ¤°*¤*g*·¤,:¤¤g~ For the purchase of suitable land for animal quarantine stations em., Baltimore and for the ports of Baltimore, Maryland, and Boston, `Massachusetts, °°“”°"‘ and for the erection thereon of necessary buildings, fences, wharves, piers, and other appurtenances, and for the repair and improvement ~ of structures, sixty-five thousand dollars, which sum shall be immediately available; · · ¤gk<;_¤*h°*¤ °**“° For all necessary expenses for the eradication of southern cattle ticks, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; # °“""“°"‘*"‘ For all necessary expenses for investigations and experiments in dairy industig, cooperative investigations of the d industry in the various tates, inspection of renovated butteiqnlyactories, and markets one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; mm **¤¤°°¤°'Y- For all necessary expenses or investigations and ex ents in gnhnal husbandry, forty-seven thousand four hundred and eighty o ars; ¤¤*¤***°’¤°••¤· For all necemary expenses for scientific investigations in diseases of animals, including the maintenance and improvement of the bureau experiment station at Bethesda, Maryland, and the necessary alterations of buildings thereon, and the necessary expenses for investigations of tuberculm, serums, antitoxins, and analogous products, Experiment hm seventy-eight thousand-six hundred and eighty dollars; m,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ,,,,_ For all necessary expenses for continuing the equipment of the experiment farm at Beltsville, Maryland, mcluding the necessary alterations of buildings thereon, the construction and repair of fences, roadways, drains, an other incidental work, and for the maintenance of the farm, mcluding salaries of assistants and labor, feed for animals, gggt, power, fuel, and other incidental expenses, ten thousand o ars; ...l2?,%1.‘T‘“‘“"'““° For construction of buildings at bureau experiment, gtgtigu at Bethesda, Maryland, and bureau experiment farm at Beltsville, dm mu k Maryland, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars; ‘ A “ '°"°’ · For general admmistrative work, including traveling expenses and salaries of employees engaged in such work, rent in the city of Wash: ington, office fixtures and supphes, express, fre` ht, telegraph, telegligiie, air? qtherunecessary expenses, orty-six léiousand nine hunan or y dollars; · In all, for general expenses, one million two h - Ammmeedim md seven thousand three hundred dollars. und}-ed and Huy heading. BXPEIQIMENTS IN ANIMAL FEEDING AN]; BREEDING; · lijor experiments m animal feeding and breeding, includin cooperation_with the State agricultural experiment stations, incgiding the repairs and additions to and erection of buildings absolutely necessary to carry on the experiments, including rent, and the employment of labor in the ciqyf of Washington and elsewhere, and all other necessa1&`y eglppnseg, ty thiousandldlolliirs. o or ureau o Amma n us , one million s' fifty-four thousand seven hundred anudyfifty dollars. IX hundred md