Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/129

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srxrrrrasr coueranss. sms. 1. cs. 6. 1909. 105 same effect as if this Act had not been assed: And ovided urther, P'°”’”°· 5 n That nothin in this Act shall be constiiued to repealrtheiprciyisions mP¤i?¤i)1i9r¤il·vaiiSizIii1° ed of section three thousand and fifty-eight of the Revise Statutes as amended by the Act approved February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, in respect to the abandonment of merchandise to un<§rwriters or the salvors of property, and the ascertainment of duties thereon. "SEo. 29. That a United States Court of Customs Appeals is A§§§,§2,,§’.i,,§°d‘§°f,E’,§‘Z hereby created, and said court shall consist of a presiding judge P°;*£;°*;;‘gi_,, m,,__ and four associate judges appointed by the President, by and with ' the advice and consent of the Senate, each of whom shal receive a salary of ten thousand dollars per annum. It shall be a court of record, with jurisdiction as hereinafter established and limited. G "Said court shall (prescribe the form and stzyle of its seal and the °°°"‘1p°"°”‘ form of its writs an other process and proce ure and exercise such powers conferred by law as may be conformable and necessary to Mmm the exercise of its jurisdiction. It shall have the services of a mar- °‘ shal, with the same duties and powers, under the regulations of the ceurt, as are now provided for the marshal of the Supreme Court I of the United States, so far as the same may be applicable. Said bi,Q'Di’°'I°°°f°°1"“" services within the District of Columbia shall be performed by a marshal at a salary of three thousand dollars per annum, to be Ou,_`,d6,h°Dimm_ appointed by and hold office during the pleasure of said court; said services outside the District of Columbia to be performed by the United States marshals in and for the districts where sessions of said court may be held, and to this end said marshals shall be the cl marshals of said Court of Customs Appeals. The court shall appoint t.,,,j§FCf" w“m“" a clerk, whose office shall be in the city of Washington, District of D _, Columbia, and who shall perform and exercise the same duties and " ‘ powers in regard to all matters within the jurisdiction of said courtas are now exercised and performed b the clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, so far as the same ma be apphcable. The salary of the clerk shall be four thousand dollars per annum, S°1"" which sum shall be in full payment for all service rendered bg such clerk, and all fees of any kind whatever, and all costs shall be y him turned into the United States Treasury. Said clerk shall not be R°’"*°"°“‘ appointed by the court or an judge thereof as a commissioner, _ master, receiver, or referee. '[lhe costs and fees in the said court (’°”`°" “"°‘°°"‘ shall be fixed and established b said court in a table of fees to be adopted and approved by the Syupreme Court of the United States _ within four months after the organization of said court: Prmrided, P"”””°' That the costs and fees so fixed shall not, with respect to anyjitem, °°m‘ f°€”’ °°°‘ exceed the costs and fees charged in the Supreme Court of the nited States; and the same shall be expended, accormted for, and paid R over to the Treasury of the United States. The court shall have me °f*”°°"`l“'°‘ power to establish all rules and regulations for the conduct of the usiness of the court and as may e needful for the uniformity of decisions within its jurisdiction as conferred b law. "The said Court of Customs Appeals shall, always be open for Alwfys °P°"‘ the transaction of business, and sessions thereof may, in the discre— S°“‘°““· tron of the court, be held by the said court, in the several judicial gircuits, and at such places as said court may from time to time esi ate. _ _ _ “§llll6 presiding judge of said court shall be so designated in order Marg ’°dg°' of appointment and in the commission issued him by the President, and the associate judges shall have precedence according to the date Qu°mm_ of their commissions. Any three o the members of said court shall Goustitplteilabéjuomm, and the cplncurrencg of tgrree members of said court s a necess to an ecision thereo . "The said court siligll orgalinize and open for the transaction of Wgslgristddrfilotli in busmess in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, within ‘