Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1291

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SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 239. 1911. 1267 of drinking water on shore (except at naval hospitals), telephone rentals an tolls, telegrams, cableirams, and postage, foreign and . domestic, and post-office box renta ; and other necessary and incidental expenses: Provided, That the sum to be fpaid out of this appro- {{{'§§‘gM6f°, c,m_ priation, under the direction of the Secretary 0 the Navy, for clerical, ML etc-. ¤¤rv1¤¤ in inspection, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, yam" °°°' · an purchasmgmpay offices for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nmeteen hundr _ and twelve, shall not exceed two hundred and fifty- four thousand six hundred and fifty-four dollars and twenty-five cents; m all, one million dollars. · Commonm, _ NAVY: For all emergencies and extraordinary °°“““g°"°* expenses, exclusive of personal services in the Navy Department, or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices at Wasliington, District of Co umbia, arismiat home or abroad, but impossible to be anticipated or classified, to e expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, and for suchdp1%oses as he may deem roper, forty-six thousand dollars: Provid , at the account' ofliizers of employm the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to EW, in the settlement of accounts o disbursing officers involved, payments made _ under the appropriation "Contingent, Navy," to civilian employees . , appointed by the Navy Department for duty in and servingsat naval ` stations mamtained in the island possessions during the cal year nineteen hundred and twelve: Provided further, That hereafter, in d§},’g°;* ggQ,_}gg;*°$ fixing the cost of work under the various naval appro riations, the cost. direct and indirect charges incident thereto shall be included in such ‘ cost: And provided further, That the Bureau of Sup lies and Acconmts ,y,f,'$§X,,‘;,°§Q°°“°“ '° shall keep the money accoimts of the Naval Establishment in such manner as to show such charges and shall re ort the same annually for g the information of And prwu1e5' further, That the Secre— ,,§,’f,§§‘3‘°,, ,§’,;,’,'}';°l,'§’ tary of the Navy be, an he hereby is, authorized, in his discretion, to make partial payments from time to time during the progress of the work under existing contracts and all contracts hereafter made under the Navy Department for public u1£oses; but not in excess of ninety er centum of the value of woillc ready done; and the contracts ,§i'§{‘}§§f°°‘°°°p'“ hereafter made shall rovide for such insurance as the Secretary of the Navy may deem suffiizient, and for a lien in favor of the Government, which lien is hereby made {paramount to all other liens, upon the articles or thing contracted or on account of all (payments so made, provided that partial payments shall not be ma e under such contracts except where stipulated for and then only in accordance with contract rovisions. . That officers on the active list of the line of the United States Navy E,g§‘;‘,‘gz§§n{’,°§{§{‘§"{,‘,{ who, under authority of law, now perform engineering duty on shore g;>§;lo;¤¤y,¤¤;¤I;·€·;;i wionly are hereby made additional to the numbers in the grades in » ° '"' ` which they are now serving, and shall be carried as additional to the numbers of each grade to which they may hereafter be promoted: Promucd, That said officers shall be entitled to all the en•ts of mh retirement under existing or future laws equally with other officers of ° like rank and service. _ Hereafter, if any officer of the United States Navy shall in his icgticgyégggggghyg physical examination for promotion and be found incapacitated for pmmaaou to be re. service by reason of physical disability contracted in the hne of duty, “‘°°· he shall be retired with the rank to which his seniority entitled him to be romoted. (lima or Larnns, rsnarm or GUAM: Naval station, island of Guam: gauggi Rpm m Maintenance and care of leplers, special patients, and for other pur- ' poses, fourteen thousand dollars.