Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1295

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SIX'I`Y·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 239. 1911. 1271 the Ordnance Department; for furniture at naval magazines, torpedo stations, and proving ground; for maintenance of the provin ground and powder factory, and for target practice, and for pay 0I chemists, clerical, drafting, ins tion and messen er service in . navy yards, naval stations, andwhaval magazines: grcvwkled, That {,’,j°"i·€°°·, . the sum to be paid out of this appropriation under the direction of e¢c.,$iu¤$°ié. °l°n°°l' the Secretary o the Navy for chemists, clerical, drafting, inspection watchmen, and messenger service in navv yards, naval stations, and naval magazines for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, shall not exceed four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. In all, five million five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for ,,,};“,{,g{‘§,*;°,,;°,{P¤i°°* . the purchase of shells or projectiles except for shells or projectiles ` purc ased m accordance with the terms and conditions of proposals subrmtted by the _Secretary of the Navy to all the manufacturers of shells and projectiles and upon bids received in accordance with the terms and requirements of such {proposals. · Purchase and manufacture o smokeless powder, one million one S'¤°k°‘°°° P°Wd°*· hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Fon NAvAr. GUN FACTORY, WASHINGTON, Drsmrcr or Co1.mnsrA: wN*,‘l**' G, *1;* ,§•¤g¤>*Y· New and implroved machinery for existing shops, one hundred and ` ' twenty-five thousand dollars. Nnw BATTERIES Fon SHIPS or rmz NAvY: For new sights for five- N"' b°**°**°¤- inch, six-inch, and seven-—inch guns and modifying their mounts, two hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. d {or fire—contro instruments for ships of the Navy, eighty thousand ,,,§,',§°°“"°’ *'“‘*'“‘ 0 ars. · ‘ For fitting new breech mechanisms to three—inch, fifty—caliber, Mark ,,§',,‘§,",_*"°°°*’ ‘°°°"‘ III guns, one hundred thousand dollars. Modifying breech mechanisms of three-inch, four-inch, five-inch, and six-mch guns, one hundred thousand dollars. ‘ For replacing Mark VI six—·inch guns with Mark VIII guns, and M<>¤¤¤¤i¤i¤e smurepairing and modemizing the Mark VI guns for issue, two hundred thousand dollars. For landing guns and appurtenances, two hundred thousand dollars. L"“““8 ‘““”· °“’· Ammunition for ships o the Navy: For procuring, producing, pre- ·*¤¤·¤¤¤i¤¤¤- serving, and handling ammunition for issue to ships, two million erght hundred and fift thousand dollars: Promkied, That no part of this ap- fsggggéou, www propriation shallY be expended for the purchase of shells or projectiles iles »e»mma.p except for shells or proyectiles purchased in accordance with the terms and conditions of proposals submitted by the Secretary of the Navy to all of the manufacturers of shells and projectiles and upon bids receiped in accordance with the terms and requirements of such proosa s. P SMALL ARMS AND MAcmNn GUNS! For new rifles and machine guns m§£{;Qg·;;g¤¤ ¤¤d for ships, four hundred and twenty thousand dollars. " Tonrmnoizs AND APPLIANCES! For the purchase and manufacture of Tqrpedoes and torpedoes and appliances, six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. “""“°“°""’· ORPEDO STATION, N nwroar, Ruonn ISLANDZ For labor and mate- Ygpgrggdlg ,¤¤¤¢i¤¤· rial; general care of and repairs to grounds, buildings, and wharves; p° ’ ` boats, instruction, instruments, too , experiments, and general torpedo outfits, seventy thousand dollars. Exrnamimrs, Burman or Onnxascs: For experimental work in ¤¤v¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤w<>¤= the development of armor-piercing and other projectiles, fuses, powders and high explosives, in connection with problems of the attack of armor with direct and inclined fire at various ranges, including the purchase of armor, powder, projectiles, and fuses for the above purposes, and of all necessary material and labor in connection therewith; and for other experimental work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance in connection with the development of ordnance material for the Navy, one hundred thousand dollars.