Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1297

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 239. 1911. 1273 pugioses, and oil and candles used in connection therewith; service an supplies for coast signal service; bunting and other materials formaking and repairing iiags of all kinds; photographs, photographic instruments, and mater1als;_ musical instruments and music; install- 1DgfII18.1H , andreparring interior and exterior signal communications and all electrica apiphances of whatsoever nature on board naval vessels, except range nders, battle order and range, transmitters and indicators, and motors and their controlling apparatus used to operate the machinery belonging to other bureaus, three million Bight. hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred dollars: Rrmmied, That the sum to be paid out of this appro riation, under the P*•>·{·>¤·¤· direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical; drafting, inspec- 1cgiimm' °t°" E"` tron, and messenger service at the several navy yards, naval stations, and coaling stations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, shall not exceed two hundred and nine thousand and ninety-three dollars and sixty cents. Con. AND TRANSPORTATIONZ Coal and other fuel for steamers’ and °°“'·°°°· ships’ use, and other eguipment purposes, including expenses of transportation, storalge, an handling the same, and for the general maintenance of nav coaling depots and coaling plants, water for all purposes on board naval vessels, including the expenses of transportation and storage of the same, four million dollars. CONTINGENT, BUREAU or EQUIPMENT: Packing boxes and mate- ¤¤¤¤¤s¤¤¢. rials, books, and models; stationery]; ferriage and emergencies arising . under cognizance of the Bureau of · quipment unforseen and impossi- ` ble to classify, ten thousand dollars. , . O¢EaN AND LAKE srmvmrs: Hydrographic surveys, including the 0ce¤¤¤ud1•kesnrpay of the necessary hydrographic survefyors, cartoga) hic draftsmen ""‘“ . and recorders, and for the purchase o nautical ks, charts and sailing directions, seventy-five thousand dollars. -~ DEro*rs Fox coax.: To enable the Secretary of the Navy to execute Depts for coal. the provisions of section fifteen hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes, authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to establish, at such places as he may deem necessary, suitable depots for coal and other flue! for the supply of steamships of war, ve hundred thousand ollars. DISTRIBUTION or DUTIESZ The duties assigned by law to the nmnunmce ot Bureau of Equipment shall be distributed among the other bureaus °“'°‘“‘ and offices of the Navy Department in such manner as the Secretary of the Navy shall consider expedient and proger during the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred an twelve, and the Secretary of the Navy, with the approval of the President, is hereby author- _ ized and directed to assign and transfer to said other bureaus and etyjgagggeygufrggflg offices, respectively, all available funds heretofore and hereby appro- " riated for the Bureau of E uipment and such civil employees of the bureau as are authorized by (law, and when such distribution of duties, funds, and em loyees shall have been completed, the Bureau of Equipment shalil be discontinued as hereinbefore provided: Provided, {3;;***;%*- appmpmb That nothing herein shall be so construed as to authorize the expendi- mms resumed. ture of any appropriation for purposes other than those specifically provided by the terms of the appropriations, or the submission of estimates for the Naval Establishment for the fiscal gear nineteen hundred and thirteen, except in accordance with the order and arrangement of the naval ealppropriation Act for the year nineteen hundred and eleven: Prmrid further, That the Secretary of the Navy m§}1°g?*guggsdg§'>¤· shall report to Congress at the beginning of its next ensuing session the ' distribution of the duties of the Bureau of Equipment made by him under the authorization herein granted, with full statement m relation to said distribution and the performance of navy yard work therein involved.