Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1301

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 239. 1911. -1277 NAVAL OBSERVATORYZ Grounds and roads: Continuing grading, *****1 °**¤°"¤°°¤’- eivlrtendirgg drolzfds and paths, clearing and improving grounds, five thousand dollars. · NAVAL rnovmo GROUND, INDIAN HEAD, MARYLAND: For turn- m§*‘“°,’{u§§,f*g P’°'· table, traverse table, and track, north battery, fourteen thousand gm ' five hundred dollars; rebuilding river wharf, ten thousand dollars; ip ag, rhawglallproving ground, In ian Head, twenty-four thousand five un re dollars. Naval magazine, Fort Mifllin, Pennsylvania: Build` for re-form- Fm Mi¤1i¤, P°~· ing plant, six thousand dollars; installation of electric lpilgwer, lighting, mm mguum _ and telelpléople system, twelve thousand dollars; in all, eighteen thousan dollars. . Naval magazine, New York Harbor (Iona Island): Extension of ¤§$,’§°mgI‘},“,'§§1,;e¥l‘Y" sea (river) wall, five thousand dollars; one shell house, twenty-five thousand dollars; in all, thirty thousand dollars. Naval magazine, Fort Lafayette, New York: Construction of addi- n{*yf, éN-Y·· tional floors, making two stories in fixed-ammunition house, shell v` house, and shell—filling house, and extension of iron balcony on same, five thousand three hundred dollars. Naval magazine, Lake Denmark, New Jersey: One magazine, fif- n£·¤v§,°£g§yg;§jN·J-· teen thiplusand dollarsé J h Cr k V O _ S8 U h Nav m azine aint u `ens ee , iriginia: ne magazine in ¤ °¤¤¤¤r¢<=k. building, fifatgen thhusand dollars; one shell house, twenty thousand V°" nm`] mg°m°° dollars; acquirinlg fresh—water supply and additional fire protection, ` ten thousand dollars; in all, forty- ve thousand dollars. _ Naval magazine, Mare Island, California: For one magazine attend- m”$§,'°m,I;‘:_§§é_ °*“·· ant’s uarters, three thousand dollars; one shell house, fifteen thousandgollars; in all, eighteen thousand dollars. _ »

 naval magazine, navy yard, Puget Sound Washington: One m};§°1f]§•é*?,Q;:Y“h·

officehbuilding and laboratory, nine thousand dollars; one magazine, fifteen thousand dollars; one fixed ammumtron storehouse, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, thirty-nine thousand dollars. · Naval torpedo station, Newport, Rhode Island: Garbage crematory, Ng‘W9;0¥;€*§j I_¤¤¤¤°¤· three thousand dollars; fire station for hook and ladder and hose reels, two thousand dollars; stable for horses, wagons, trucks, and yard locomotive trains, five thousand dollars; water-supply pape across harbor, six thousand dollars; new power house, toward bur d- ing (cost not to exceed sixty thousand dollars) and equipping (cost not to exceed one hundred and twenty thousand r ol ars), sixty, thousand dollars; extension of fire mains, six thousand two hundred dollars; paving}, adilitilogali five thousand dollars: m all, eighty-seven \ thousanr two unc re dollars. _ _ Naval magazine, Guantanamo, Cuba: One magazine, fifteen thou- ,,,§.§'{‘},,";g_§‘_f,’},j‘;,f’“""· sand dollars; one shell house, fifteen thousand dollars; one set quarters and office, eight thousand five hundred dollars; wharf, rncludmlg clearing, grading, and equipment, twelve thousand five hundred do - lars; in a l, fifty-one thousand dollars. O1 P I NAVAL MAGAZINE, OLONGAPO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS! One shell house, mm§I‘;,§§&1;,*;e_ - -· one observation magazine, one stowage shed, one marine barracks, extensions to n-cotton house, railway track and dock, one electric generator, andglior lighting grounds and quarters, twenty thousand five hundred and seventy-seven dollars. _ _ _ _ _ For the extension of existing quarters, buildings, mess hall, rncreas— R¥1;’e*fv$,E$h*ggp}§,*j,f ing rifle-range facilities, and the improvement o targlet butts, Marine ‘ Corps Rifle Range, Wmthro(p, Maryland, twenty thousand dollars; Prmm Provided, That no part o_f sar sum shall be expended for_the construe- Lum, fo, cummtion of quarters for marine officers the total cost of which, exclusive ¤¤*¤°°’¤· of cost of iling and including the heating and plumbing apparatus, wiring, and) fixtures, shall exceed in the case of quarters of a general officer the sum of fifteen thousand dollars; of a colonel or an officer