Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1307

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srxrrrarmsr oosennss. sm. rn. cH. 239. 1911. 1283 sophical apparatus and instruments, stores, machinery, tools, fittings, ` apparatus, and materials for instruction purposes, thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. Purchase, binding, and repair of books for the library (to be pur- Library- chased in the open market on the written order of the superintendent), two thousand ollars. · _Expenses of the Board of Visitors of the Naval Academy, being B°‘“d°fvl““°”· mileage and five dollars per diem for each member for expenses during actual attendance at the academy, and for clerk hire, carriages, and other incidental and necessary expenses of the board, three thousand dollars. _ ‘ For contingencies for the superintendent of the academy, to be ““P°"l”‘°°"°“‘· expended in his discretion, two thousand dollars. all, current and miscellaneous expenses, forty-five thousand five hundred dollars. - MAINTENANCE, NAVAL AcA1>nMY: For general maintenance at the “*"”'““°°· Naval Academy, namely: For books, periodicals, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of tire engines; fire a paratus and plants machinery; urchase and maintenance of ali) horses and vehicles for use at the academy; seeds and plants; tools and repairs of the same; stationery; furniture for Government buildings and offices at the academy; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; attendance on light and power plants; cleani and clearing up station and care of buildings; attendance on iiredjiights, hre engines, tire apparatus, and plants, and telephone, telegraph, and clock systems; mcidental labor; advertising, water tax, postage, telephones telegfams, tolls. and ferriage; flags and awnings; packing boxes; fuel for eating and lighting bandsmen’s quarters; pay of inspectors and draftsmen; music, musical and astronomical instruments; and 301}] the pay of employees on leave, two hundred and ten thousand o ars. Rent of buildings for the use of the academy and commutation of B°°°’°°°‘ rent for bandsmen at eight dollars per month each, four thousand one hundred and sixteen dollars. Re REPAms, NAVAL AGADEMY: Necessary repairs of Ipublic buildings, W"' wharves, and walls inclosing the grounds of the aval Academy iimprovements, repairs, furniture, and fixtures, one hundred thousand o lars. In all, maintenance, three hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred and sixteen dollars. _ Mmmm! LIEMORIALS, NAVAL ACADEMYZ To complete the installation, and 1¤a¤1im¤i1,a¤.,¤r\ for the care, preservation, and dis lav of memorials and other objects *‘l“°'*°· of historic interest and value at the Naval Academy, three thousand dollars. _ Joh P8 U That the Secretary of the Navy shall have estimates, plans, and 1),,,,*},, ,,}‘c__§’§$;,,,_ Specifications prepared for the completion of the crypt of the chapel g}¤*l}§I¤:_;i{]¤;Q)*;K€:)¤£g at the United States Naval Academ r, Annapolis, Maryland, as a per- submmea. ' manent resting place for the body ofidohn Paul Jones, the cost of said crypt and furnishing of same, including arch1tect’s fee and all other expenses of every character connected therewith, not to exceed the sum hereinafter appropriated, said plans and spemfications to be approved by the Superintendent of the United States L aval Academy and the Secretary of the Navy. AmOu¤,,0,,m,,;,,Sh_ That the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof mg crypt,etc. . as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the completion and furmshing of said crypt in accordance with said plans and specifications. In all, Naval Academy, six hundred and twenty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars.